18 Jan Events and Announcements: 17 January 2021
Featured Announcement

BIICL Training Courses Spring 2021
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) now offers training courses in a virtual format. BIICL virtual courses are led by the Institute’s leading researchers, together with external experts and distinguished practitioners. The course format consists of a series of sessions in which live teaching is offered via Zoom. Participants are able to interact with the tutors and amongst themselves on screen replicating the authentic feel of an in-person course.
Public International Law in Practice
Five extended Sessions: 16 February – 16 March 2021.
BIICL’s flagship Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law. Covering a range of topics within public international law, the programme focuses on current developments and their application in national and international dispute resolution, policy-making and in international legal and diplomatic practice.
Find out more and register online here.
Law of the Sea
Five Sessions: 4 March – 1 April 2021
This course offers an informative overview of the international law of the sea and current challenges facing the world’s oceans and seas. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of law of the sea scholars, the course is designed to provide participants with a working knowledge of the relevant legal and regulatory framework, enhance and broaden their understanding on a wide spectrum of law of the sea topics such as deep seabed mining, maritime migration and unregulated fishing.
Find out more and register online here.
Business and Human Rights
Five Sessions: 7 April – 5 May 2021
This course provides participants with an appreciation of the human rights impacts of business activities; an awareness of the core concepts and principles established by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and an understanding of corporate human rights due diligence requirements. The course builds on developments at the international, regional, and national levels.
Find out more and register online here.
Climate Change Law
Eight Sessions: 13 April – 1 June 2021
This course offers a comprehensive overview of climate change law and the legal responses to the current climate crisis. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of scholars and practitioners, the course is designed to provide participants with a working knowledge of the relevant legal frameworks as well as to enhance their understanding of the way climate change impacts other areas of international law including territory, human rights, trade and investment.
Find out more and register online here.
Charges and booking
The fee for each course can be found on the course page along with details of discounts. Booking for all courses can be made on the webpage. For further details and additional questions about the courses please contact the BIICL events Team at eventsregistration[at]biicl[dot]org.
Additional Announcements
Call for Papers
Call for Papers – Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy: The Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI) is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 2020 edition of the Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy. The Yearbook is published by Oxford University Press (OUP) in hardcopy, as an ebook, and as part of OUP’s Investment Claims online service. The Yearbook monitors current developments in international investment law and policy. We welcome submissions for Part Two of the Yearbook, which includes analyses of central thematic issues in the contemporary discussions on international investment law and policy. All papers must be original texts and are subject to double-blind peer review. Original contributions to be considered for publication in the Yearbook are accepted on a rolling basis until February 28, 2021; please send submissions to Craig Gaver (cdg2158[at]columbia[dot]edu). Footnotes should conform to guidelines available here.
Call for Abstracts – Journal of International Criminal Justice Symposium on the theme of “International Criminal Justice in an ‘Age of Misinformation’”: The guest co-editors, Birju Kotecha and Daley Birkett, together with the Journal of International Criminal Justice, invite abstracts for a forthcoming symposium on the theme of ‘International Criminal Justice in an “Age of Misinformation”’, to be published in December 2021. Combining theoretical, doctrinal, and practical perspectives, the symposium focuses on communication in international criminal justice. The symposium seeks to explore how, in a misinformation age, international(ized) criminal tribunals communicate with their stakeholders (e.g. States Parties, affected communities, civil society, donors) and out to the public at large. For questions and further information please contact guest co-editor, Birju Kotecha, at birju[dot]kotecha[at]northumbria[dot]ac[dot]uk.
2021 Human Rights Essay Award Competition Call for Papers: The Human Rights Essay Award, sponsored by the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the American University Washington College of Law, seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. The topic of the 2021 competition is as follows: Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges. Participants have the flexibility to choose any subject related to this topic, however, the scope of the submission must directly relate to this year’s topic, or it will be disqualified. In addition, we would like to note we believe that international human rights law can be understood to include international humanitarian law and international criminal law. We will award two winners—one for submissions in English and one for submissions in Spanish—with a full scholarship (including lodging and transportation to and from Washington, D.C.) to complete the Certificate of Attendance or Diploma in the 2021 Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and HumanitarianLaw which will take place from May 31 to June 18, 2021. The deadline to enter your submission to the Human Rights Essay Award competition is February 1, 2021. Please note that ONLY participants with a law degree are eligible to enter this competition. We look forward to receiving your submission! If you would like additional information or have any questions, we invite you to contact us via email at humanrightsessay[at]wcl[dot]american[dot]edu.
Call for Papers – PhD Workshop on International Law: The International Law Section of the Society of Legal Scholars invites abstracts from PhD researchers in international law (public or private) for a Workshop on International Law on Friday 30 April 2021. This event aims to convene PhD researchers to discuss their current projects and will include a session on publishing in international law. This initiative hopes to assist PhD researchers in building their networks and to provide space for them to engage with more senior colleagues from across the discipline. To be eligible to present you must currently be registered as an MPhil/PhD candidate and be an SLS member. If you wish to present a paper, please send an abstract of no more than 300 words to Alexander[dot]Gilder[at]rhul[dot]ac[dot]uk no later than Friday 12 February, 1700hrs GMT. To find out more please see attached.
Podcast Hablemos de Derecho Internacional: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) will enter into force on January 22, 2021, and to commemorate this achievement of humanity, the legal Podcast “Hablemos de Derecho Internacional” has published 2 episodes (in Spanish) with Ambassador Jorge Morales Pedreza; one on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the other on the Treaty on the Non-Proliferationof Nuclear Weapons. These, and other episodes, are freely available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and more. To learn more visit the website of the Podcast here.
Three post-doctoral researcher positions: The ERC-funded research project PRIVIGO: Intergovernmental Organizations between Mission and Market: International Institutional Law and the Private Sector (grant nr 883417, directed by Jan Klabbers) is looking for three post-doctoral researchers, for a fixed term of four years. The post-doctoral scholars are expected to work on either of three topics: 1. International organizations and private funding; 2. International organizations as private market actors, and 3. International organizations and the allocation of costs and benefits. A completed PhD thesis, preferably in law, is required. More details are to be found here.
If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact John Heieck at eventsandannouncements[at]gmail[dot]com with a one-paragraph description of your announcement along with hyperlinks to more information. Failure to provide said information may result in delayed posting of your announcement. Thank you!
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