Somalia to Ratify Children’s Rights Convention (You Know What That Means)

Somalia to Ratify Children’s Rights Convention (You Know What That Means)

Not otherwise newsworthy. . . except that it makes the US the only country in the world that will not have ratified it (full list of accessions here). It’s a glaring manifestation of American exceptionalism, and not in a good way.

With the Disabilities Convention making another go of it in the Senate, perhaps the US could turn the corner on its problem with human rights treaties (Bob Corker is wobbling, would be a key switch to yes). Holding out in complete isolation will increasingly be of symbolic value only, catering to a shrinking minority of Boltonite international law nay-sayers, as universal treaty norms move into the realm of customary law and creep in through other channels.

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We still have South Sudan.


So Somalia and South Sudan both announced their intention to ratify on Wednesday?


[…] Peter Spiro on the quixotic nature of this American exceptionalism: […]