Two Weeks of Memories

Two Weeks of Memories

My time at OJ has really flown, and it is now time for me to fly back to the rigors – and hopefully not the langours – of punchy (and prolific, heaven willing) article-drafting. There’s been some debate, and even a symposium, about the possibilities of law blogs as scholarship. To this guest-blogger, the measure of those possibilities very much depends upon what the meaning of scholarship is.

This blog, the empirical legal studies blog, the trade blog, and other legal blogs serve as virtual colleagues who know the latest developments, and can provide me with a particular perspective on said developments in a memorable and winningly idiosyncratic blog-voice. Blogs aren’t just scholarship, of course, but they have their place in revealing the state of the art, as do SSRN, conference panels, and the other ways that academics communicate.

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Patrick S. O'Donnell
Patrick S. O'Donnell

Thanks, and all the best, David.

Let’s pass on scholarship for the moment and be content with something on the order of ‘intellectual production and dissemination.’

You can always drop in a comment now and then, otherwise, as everyone painfully knows, I’ll fill the void!

Peggy McGuinness


Many thanks for your contributions. It was fun having you visit and we hope you’ll return in the future.
