Avian Flu and Traveling Greenbacks

Avian Flu and Traveling Greenbacks

Ever wonder how disease spreads? Apparently not unlike the way currency travels. As reported here and here, scientists are modeling the anticipated spread of the Avian Flu based on how currency changes hands. On this website you can track the movement of money in your pocket. For example, this particular dollar has travelled 4,191 Miles in 3 Yrs, 12 Days, 17 Hrs, 25 Mins at an average of 3.8 Miles per day.

As noted in this AP story, “By analyzing the movement of money – and human travel – over different distances, the scientists found that the money followed a predictable pattern. The method could be used to create more realistic disease models that track the spread of germs and perhaps prevent outbreaks.” As Conglomerate put it, “Somehow, I feel the need to go wash my hands.”

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