Artificial Intelligence Tag

[Gary Corn is a Professor and Director of the Technology, Security and Law Program at American University Washington College of Law. He previously served as a military attorney in the US Army, including as Staff Judge Advocate (General Counsel) of U.S. Cyber Command.] When it comes to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous weapons in conflict, States have already...

[Jimena Sofía Viveros Álvarez serves as the Chief of Staff and Head Legal Advisor to Justice Loretta Ortiz at the Mexican Supreme Court as well as a member of the UN Secretary General's High-Level Advisory Body on AI. Her prior roles include national leadership positions at the Federal Judicial Council, the Ministry of Security, and the Ministry of Finance, where...

[Dr Ingvild Bode is Associate Professor at the Centre for War Studies, University of Southern Denmark.  She is the Principal Investigator of the European Research Council-funded project AutoNorms: Weaponised Artificial Intelligence, Norms, and Order (08/2020-07/2025) and also serves as the co-chair of the IEEE-SA Research Group on AI and Autonomy in Defence Systems. Anna Nadibaidze is a researcher for the European Research Council funded...

[Georgia Hinds is a Legal Adviser with the ICRC in Geneva, working on the legal and humanitarian implications of autonomous weapons, AI and other new technologies of warfare. Before joining the ICRC, she worked in the Australian Government, advising on public international law including international humanitarian and human rights law, and international criminal law, and served as a Reservist Officer...

[Marta Bo is a Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Institute and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).] [Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and Managing Editor of Opinio Juris.] Against the backdrop of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza, noted as the most destructive in a century, and...

[Neil Renic is a Researcher at the Centre for Military Studies at the University of Copenhagen, focusing on the changing character and regulation of armed conflict, and emerging military technologies such as armed drones and autonomous weapons. Elke Schwarz is Reader in Political Theory at Queen Mary University London, specialising in ethics of war and ethics of technology with an emphasis on unmanned and autonomous...

[Gabrielle McIntyre is Chair of Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, Co-cordinator of Africa Legal Aid’s Gender Mentoring Programme for International Judges; Independent international law consultant. Nicholas Vialle is a Pro Bono Lawyer (human rights, refugee and migration law), Australia; Independent international human rights law consultant.] This brings us to the second issue concerning the development of AI which may raise issues...

[Gabrielle McIntyre is Chair of Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, Co-cordinator of Africa Legal Aid’s Gender Mentoring Programme for International Judges; Independent international law consultant. Nicholas Vialle is a Pro Bono Lawyer (human rights, refugee and migration law), Australia; Independent international human rights law consultant.] The explosion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems and corresponding evidence of significant efficiencies and innovation in...

[Sara (Meg) Davis is Professor of Digital Health and Rights at University of Warwick and an Associated Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute.] In drafting her report to the UN Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur drew in part on research conducted by a consultant, Patty Skuster, who the author supervised at the Geneva Graduate institute.  At a critical moment in the...

This post is based on the regulation subpanel of the Realities of Algorithmic Warfare breakout session, held at the REAIM Summit 2023. Watch the full breakout session here. This contribution also appears on the AutoNorms website. The global debate on military applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomy is gradually expanding beyond autonomous weapon systems (AWS) towards the concept of ‘Responsible AI’. Proponents...

[Sarah Zarmsky is a PhD Candidate with the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex with a focus on human rights, international law, and new technologies. She received her LLM in Public International Law from Leiden University and her BA in Psychology from Brandeis University. Sarah has completed internships with the International Criminal Court, the International Bar Association, and the International Court of Justice....