Search: extraterritorial sanctions

...sea. Over the course of the conflict, several issues like  the law of blockades, high seas freedoms and blue humanitarian corridors have cropped up. However, a crucial development which has almost sailed under the radar, has been the United Kingdom and Canada’s decisions to block all Russian-linked ships from their ports. Notably, similar deliberations are also currently ongoing in the European Union and the United States of America. The United Kingdom has given effect to this ban via the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2022, and Canada...

...rights and freedoms under pressure in three distinct areas: (1) property protection; (2) data protection and privacy, and (3) freedom of movement in the EU. Panels will tackle a range of issues, including, for instance, the use and abuse of international investment arbitration, immunity from execution, or the use of targeted financial sanctions as a foreign policy tool. Confirmed speakers include Judge James Crawford (International Court of Justice), Judge Siofra O’Leary (European Court of Human Rights), Judge Allan Rosas (Court of Justice of the EU), Prof. Joseph Cannataci (UN Special... the ICC. Ivory Coast’s former President Laurent Gbagbo seeks a delay of his trial at the ICC, claiming he is too ill. ECOWAS has urged the UN Security Council for a Chapter VII resolution authorizing intervention in Mali if talks with rebel groups fail. Jurist has a piece about Charles Taylor, Arms Dealers and Reparations. UN monitors in Syria were shot at while trying to investigate a massacre site, and Kofi Annan has said that an “all-out civil war” is imminent. Australia will lift the remaining sanctions on Myanmar...

...the existence of a grey zone is well-known. In practice the divide may not always be clearly visible. Yet, large parts of the debate have been devoted to the establishment of one or more criteria to decide what makes an instrument law (be it sanctions, formalities, intent, effect, substance, or belief). Thus, depending on how one distinguishes between law and non-law, informal law output may or may not be part of international law. If formalities or intent matter, a lot of the informal output would not be law. If, in... the fact that opposition forces are implicated in the commission of atrocities as well, or that the Security Council needs to decide who (which side) should be prosecuted in advance of referring a situation to the court. What this conflict does indicate however, is the deepening entanglement between international courts and the Council, a theme which runs broadly through the Council’s peace and security work, and through its sanctions practice as well. This entanglement can be addressed in a few ways. The First, is greater clarity and better mechanisms...

...(e.g. someone who is HIV+ ) during hiring without a bona fide occupational qualification. Duties to protect A corporation cannot abet human rights violations in its business relations as defined by civil and criminal law. The responsibility to not abet violations may be broad and has been used to condemn corporations for any violations caused by the corporation’s supply chain, but the obligation cannot extend beyond current civil and criminal sanctions for vicarious liability due to agents, partners and co-conspirators. Human rights activists have argued for other legal tools, like...

...practice in this area: Public international law (PIL) is not only relevant to governments these days, it is increasingly the concern of multinational corporations and individuals. International law now affects many corporate and financial transactions; companies need to be aware of the impact of such issues as sanctions, export controls, anti-corruption conventions, rules for combating crime and terrorism, and regimes of environmental accountability. PIL also often overlaps with WTO and human rights issues. Investor-state arbitrations are on the rise. Some may argue that this does not constitute pure PIL work,...

...attacks. The US will move cautiously to ease some of its economic sanctions on Myanmar. The CIA reports that Iran has expanded its nuclear work in 2011. No venue has been decided yet for the Iran nuclear talks due to start on April 13, with Iran now suggesting that the talks could take place in Beijing, Beirut, Baghdad or even Damascus. Violence has erupted in Athens, after a pensioner committed suicide near the Parliament. The WTO Appellate Body held that the US ban on clove cigarettes is discriminatory because menthol...

...African Constitutional Court in a landmark universal jurisdiction case involving alleged crimes against humanity committed in Zimbabwe in 2007. Tyler Cullis, meanwhile, reviewed to what extent the US would be legally and politically able to ease sanctions against Iran as part of a nuclear deal. In the last guest post of the week, Gabor Rona commented on the recent Serdar Mohammed v Ministry of Defence case on detention in a non-international armed conflict. Finally, Deborah shared her views on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s hearings on the AUMF, and as...

...Maintain Open Trade on Critical Supplies Douglas Guilfoyle: Teaching Public International Law in the Time of Coronavirus—Migrating Online Matt Pollard, Mathilde Laronche and Viviana Grande: The Courts and Coronavirus (Part 1 and Part 2) Nina Sun and Livio Zilli: The Use of Criminal Sanctions in COVID-19 Responses—(Exposure and Transmission, Part 1, and Enforcement of Public Health Measures, Part 2) Leó n Castellanos-Jankiewicz: US Border Closure Breaches International Refugee Law Priya Pillai: COVID-19 and Migrants–Gaps in the International Legal Architecture? Marcos D. Kotlik and Ezequiel Heffes: COVID-19 in Conflict-Affected Areas–Armed Groups... seems to me, is prevent the plaintiffs from trying to enforce the judgment in the U.S. -- and to hold them in contempt if they do. Am I missing something? Ted Folkman Kevin, If I hear you right, the issue is the extraterritorial nature of the order. It seems to me that it's well established that because "equity operates in personam", as the hoary maxim goes, a court with personal jurisdiction over the defendant can make orders that require the defendant to act in other jurisdictions. Just to take...

...this has nothing to do with civil law and common law - if you do not charge your English cousins to have become civil lawyers. Certainly, I also regard Afghanistan/Pakistan as an armed conflict, albeit of a non-international character. Consequently, they are a matter of criminal law, including its extraterritorial application, subject to the strictures of common article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and the customary law of Article 75 Additional Protocol I. Other terrorist acts have been simply that - heinous and cowardly crimes, some of them of an...