Search: UNCLOS

...opposition may be enough to get opponents to their magic number (34). I think opponents are already close to that anyway, so this may put them over the top. (I find this vote count by Mark Leon Goldberg fairly convincing. It is going to very close.). What exactly is Rumsfeld’s objection to the treaty? What are the good (and bad) arguments for US ratification? Well, we at Opinio Juris are also interested in this question, which is why we are hosting an online debate on US ratification of UNCLOS starting...

...South China Sea (there must be at least two of you out there), here is an illustrative cartoon from a Chinese newspaper, “JingChu Times”, in Central China (although originally from another publication). Although one doesn’t need to read Chinese to get the jist, here is my attempt to translate anyway. The Foot is labeled: “Chinese Territory” The Fish biting the Foot’s toe is labeled: “The Philippines”. The Fish is holding a sign with the words: “Mine!”. Yes, this Annex VII UNCLOS arbitration claim is really sending shock waves throughout China.... UNCLOS as “the Area:” ‘the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof, beyond the limits of national jurisdiction’ (UNCLOS, article 1(1)). Art 136 of UNCLOS declares that ‘the Area and its resources are the common heritage of mankind.’ On this textual basis alone, it may be concluded that activities with respect to marine genetic resources beyond national jurisdiction fall within the scope of the common heritage of mankind. This is analogous to the way that sedentary living species in areas under national jurisdiction fall within the legal regime governing...

[John E. Noyes is the Roger J. Traynor Professor of Law at California Western School of Law.] My thanks again to Julian Ku for organizing this series on U.S. accession to the Law of the Sea Convention. I write to respond to Mr. Groves’s contention, based on U.S. experience in the Gulf of Mexico, that U.S. accession is not needed to further the stability and security of claims to offshore oil and gas resources. In another post, I respond to Professor Rabkin’s concerns about the third-party dispute...

...Convention on Law of the Seas (‘UNCLOS’). However, before moving on to analyse the specific implications of the rise in sea level on SIDS and suggesting a way forward, it is necessary to address the inevitable clash which will occur between an emerging custom and the UNCLOS with a rise in sea level. In order to do so, we begin in Part II discussing how the development of a subsequent custom due to emerging State Practice on the ambulatory baseline approach may be able to modify the UNCLOS. In Part...

are without prejudice to the domestic proceedings (Art. 292(3) UNCLOS). Irrespective of the domestic definition of piracy, I would argue that the Netherlands can argue for release and even damages (art. 107 UNCLOS) on the basis UNCLOS obligations and its definition of piracy. Indeed, states do not have to conform to the UNCLOS definition. The Netherlands itself has the broadest possible definition. Daniel Kenneth: I'm interested by your response. So UNCLOS, on the one hand, leaves states free to define piracy more broadly than the UNCLOS definition in their domestic...

...288(4) of UNCLOS obviously does not mean any tribunal. It has to be a tribunal properly constituted under Article 3(b), (c), (d) and (e) of Annex VII of UNCLOS (an UNCLOS Annex VII arbitral tribunal). The Philippines’ arbitral tribunal cannot invoke any power or authority under these Articles or any other Article under UNCLOS unless it is an UNCLOS Annex VII arbitral tribunal as defined above. For the reason as pointed out above, the Philippines’ arbitral tribunal may have failed to be constituted as an UNCLOS Annex VII arbitral tribunal....

change mitigation and impacts on oceans and marine ecosystem under Part XII of UNCLOS, on the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment. Specifically, the Commission posed two main questions regarding obligations under Part XII of UNCLOS, such as the obligations regarding: a. prevention and control of marine pollution from climate change impacts; and b. protection of the marine environment from climate change impacts. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed its jurisdiction to provide the requested Opinion. It recognized anthropogenic GHG emissions as marine pollution under UNCLOS, including emissions from land-based sources,...

based on CIL, not treaty law. It seems to me the real disadvantage in staying out of UNCLOS is that the US loses access to UNCLOS procedures and UNCLOS entities. For instance, it could not participate in the delimitation of the continental shelf under the Arctic. But I don’t think a UNCLOS entity could force the U.S. to accept its determinations. The U.S. could negotiate bilateral agreements with UNCLOS members to settle continental shelf delimitations. It would be harder, but not impossible. The bottom line for me is that I...

...diverges from that of the law of the sea jurisprudence, and that the ICC can exercise article 12 territorial jurisdiction over a member state’s EEZ. UNCLOS and the Exclusive Economic Zone Articles 55-75 of UNCLOS provide for the EEZ as a jurisdictional zone distinct from the sovereign area of the coastal state’s territorial waters or the regime of the high seas. Article 58.1 UNCLOS guarantees the right of all sates to exercise high seas freedoms in this Zone to the extent that they are ‘internationally lawful uses of the sea...

...UNCLOS which defines the three terms that are particularly crucial here as follows: Art. 121(I),(III) UNCLOS defines ‘islands’ as naturally formed areas of land, surrounded by water, being above water at high tide and sustaining human habitation or economic life of their own. Territorial sovereignty over an island establishes territorial sea and contiguous zone and entitles to EEZ and continental shelf. Rocks, to the contrary, cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own (Art. 121(III) UNCLOS). They can at best establish territorial sea and contiguous zone. Low-tide elevations...

...Party to the UNCLOS). Given that according to the UNCLOS the continental shelf is automatically generated and that the snow-crab is one of its resources (according to article 77(4) of the UNCLOS), the Treaty of Paris grants sovereignty to Norway also with respect to Svalbard’s continental shelf, subject to the same conditions expressed in its Articles 2 and 3 which limit Norway’s sovereignty over the archipelago’s natural resources and which apply also to snow-crabs (being one of the natural resources of the archipelago’s continental shelf). Norway instead maintains that Svalbard...