Courts & Tribunals

[Sareta Ashraph is an international criminal law barrister, specializing in international criminal, humanitarian law and human rights law - with a particular focus on the gendered commission and impact of genocide. This is the latest post in the co-hosted symposium with Armed Groups and International Law on Organizing Rebellion.] In the summer of 2014, the armed group, the Islamic State of...

[Melanie O’Brien, Senior Lecturer in International Law, University of Western Australia, is an award-winning IHL teacher and Vice-President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. Her research focuses on genocide and human rights. This is the latest post in the co-hosted symposium with Armed Groups and International Law on Organizing Rebellion.] Tilman Rodenhäuser’s book analyses non-state armed groups in international humanitarian...

As most readers will know by now, Pre-Trial Chamber II has partially granted the OTP's request for leave to appeal the PTC's refusal to authorize the Afghanistan investigation. Eulogies for the investigation are thus premature. A few thoughts on the PTC's decision follow. To begin with, it remains scandalous that it took the PTC this long to certify the appeal. The...

[Ezequiel Heffes is a Thematic Legal Adviser for Geneva Call and a Lawyer at the University of Buenos Aires School of Law. The views expressed here are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect those of Geneva Call. This is the latest post in the co-hosted symposium with Armed Groups and International Law on Organizing Rebellion.] Although the nature, organization and structure of non-State armed groups (NSAGs) are issues of...

[Katharine Fortin is a lecturer at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights, Utrecht University, and teaches human rights law and international humanitarian law. She is the founder and co-editor of the Armed Groups and International Law blog. This is the latest post in the co-hosted symposium with Armed Groups and International Law on Organizing Rebellion.] It was hard to decide which parts of...

Over the coming ten days, along with the fantastic Armed Groups and International Law blog, we are happy to co-host a book symposium on Tilman Rodenhäuser’s new book, Organizing Rebellion: Non-State Armed Groups under International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law, published by Oxford University Press. In addition to comments from Tilman himself, we have the honor to hear...

International accountability as a tool to empower and protect [Jeremie Smith is the Director of the Geneva Office at the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies and Karim Salem is a Legal Advisor at the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies. This is the final post in our symposium with Justice in Conflict on Libya and International Justice. Mark Kersten’s contribution to the symposium has...

The European Union’s migration containment policy is trapping people in detention centres that are being targeted in the Libyan conflict. [Marwa Mohamed is Head of Advocacy and Outreach at Lawyers for Justice in Libya.  LFJL’s #RoutestoJustice programme works to promote the rights of migrants and refugees in Libya and to provide them with access to justice using domestic courts, regional human rights courts and mechanisms...

[Hanan Salah is the Senior Libya and Mauritania Researcher at Human Rights Watch. This is the latest post in our symposium with Justice in Conflict on Libya and International Justice.] The scars ran deep. His back was a maze of thick welts, thinner scars and parts that resembled small craters. His wrists and ankles were raw from where he’d been shackled and suspended from a...