
Announcements The coordinators are pleased to announce the establishment of the Ghent Rolin-Jaequemyns International Law Institute (GRILI). The Institute builds on a long tradition in the area of international law at Ghent University and brings together ca. 30 faculty members and doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. Its activities span the entire realm of public international law, ranging from the law of armed conflict...

Announcements Guest Researchers – Focus on the Environment and the International Judiciary: PluriCourts invite researchers in the field of law, political science, and philosophy with a focus on the environment and the international judiciary to apply for visiting research fellowship. The positions as guest researchers can vary between 3 to 12 months. We encourage applicants to apply as soon as possible and...

Sponsored Announcement EIUC and its partner universities Birzeit University (Palestine), Saint Joseph University (Lebanon), International University of Rabat (Morocco) and Ca’ Foscari University (Italy) are proud to present to you the second edition of the Master in Democratic Governance - Democracy and Human Rights in the Mena Region (DE.MA), starting in January 2016. DE.MA is a multidisciplinary curriculum offering courses in law,...

Call for Papers The Rapoport Center Human Rights Working Paper Series (WPS) is happy to announce a call for papers for the 2015 - 2016 academic year. The WPS seeks innovative papers of the highest quality by both researches and practitioners in the field of human rights. Acceptance to the WPS series provides authors with an opportunity to receive feedback on works in progress and stimulate...

Announcements International Organisations and the Rule of Law: Perils and Promise, Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Law, New Zealand, 7-8 December 2015. This symposium will take a fresh look at the resources that international law possesses to ensure that international organisations (IOs) are held accountable for their errors and excesses, while remaining relevant and effective in the face of ever...

Announcements The EIUC and KU Leuven are launching a new MOOC (massive open online course) on the EU and Human Rights. A short description from their website: "Whether you are an EU citizen or not, this course concerns you! The EU is a major global actor in the field of human rights. EU treaties state that human rights are a fundamental...

Calls for Papers/Abstracts: Call for Papers: Society of International Economic Law and University of Luxembourg, Fifth PEPA/SIEL Conference. SIEL's Postgraduate and Early Professionals/Academics Network (PEPA/SIEL) and the Research Unit in Law of the University of Luxembourg are pleased to announce that the fifth PEPA/SIEL Conference will take place on 14-15 April 2016 in Luxembourg. We invite graduate students (enrolled in Master or PhD programmes) and early professionals/academics...

Announcements iCourts (Center of Excellence for International Courts), The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark is seeking applications for two or three positions as postdoc within the research area of one of the Faculty’s research centres - iCourts (the Center of Excellence for International Courts). The positions are available from 1st February 2016, and for duration of two (2) years. Start...

I wanted to flag for interested readers the upcoming ASIL Research Forum in Washington, D.C., on October 23-24, 2015  I've been to a couple of the previous iterations and can attest that it's a great way to catch up on some new scholarship and to hear a mix of new and old voices in the field.  This year's event looks...

Announcements Queen's University Belfast has announced a position for a Lecturer in Human Rights Law. The closing date on applications is 5 October 2015. See the vacancy here. Calls for Papers/Abstracts: The American Society of International Law's Lieber Society Announces a call for papers for the 2016 Richard R. Baxter Military Writing Prize. Persons submitting papers need not be ASIL members and can be...

Announcements The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is happy to announce the 2016 Human Rights Essay Award topic: Extractive Industries and Human Rights. Participants have the flexibility to choose any subject related to the substantive law relevant to the field. International human rights law can be understood to include international humanitarian law and international criminal law. This annual competition...

Announcements A special issue of the Nordic Journal of International Law, which Triestino Martinello has co-edited with Dr. Paolo Lobba, has just been released. The topic is 'The Cross-fertilisation Rhetoric in Question: Use and Abuse of the European Court’s Jurisprudence by International Criminal Tribunals' and it includes contributions from Sergey Vasiliev, Julia Geneuss, Ulf Linderfalk, Elena Maculan, Michelle Farrell, and Harmen van...