03 Mar Events and Announcements: March 3, 2019
Call for Papers
- The Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is pleased to announce a call for papers for a workshop on “International law’s invisible frames – social cognition and knowledge production in international legal processes.” The workshop will address two closely related strands of analysis in recent international legal theory: social cognition and knowledge production. Applicants may employ theoretical tools borrowed from other disciplines (including philosophy, sociology, social psychology, political science etc.). They are particularly encouraged to analyze when and how socio-cognitive and knowledge production processes are relevant to law-making, interpretation, and implementation of international law. The workshop will take place on 4-5 December 2019 at the International Law Forum, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty (Mount Scopus Campus). Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent by 15 May 2019. Decisions regarding inclusion in the workshop program will be sent by 15 June 2019. For more information about the workshop’s theme and call for papers, please click here.
- The American Bar Association (ABA) Section on International Law is pleased to announce the 9th Annual “Live from L” on International Economic Law, featuring Jennifer Newstead, the Legal Adviser of the US State Department, on Thursday, 4 April 2019, from 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. ET at The George Washington University Law School, Jacob Burns Moot Courtroom, 2000 H St. NW, Washington, DC. Register here for the event.
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