12 Oct Events and Announcements: October 12, 2015
- A student writing competition is being organized in conjunction with the annual symposium convened by the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution at the University of Missouri School of Law. This year’s symposium is convened by Prof. Carli Conklin and is entitled “Beyond the FAA: Arbitration Procedure, Practice, and Policy in Historical Perspective.” The symposium features Professor James Oldham, the St. Thomas More Professor of Law and Legal History at Georgetown University Law Center, as keynote speaker as well as expert panelists from England and the United States. The competition is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution and offers a $500 prize to the competition winner. The author of the winning paper may be invited to publish the winning submission in the symposium issue of the Journal of Dispute Resolution, subject to the agreement of both the editors of the Journal of Dispute Resolution and the winning author. Submissions should bear some relationship to the history of dispute or conflict resolution, broadly defined. Topics may therefore consider issues relating to the historic development of international or domestic negotiation, mediation, conciliation and/or arbitration, among other things. There is no requirement that papers discuss U.S. law. Papers must be received no later than 11:59 p.m., Central time, on Monday, November 9, 2015. Further information on the writing competition is available on the symposium website.
Calls for Papers/Abstracts:
- The 2016 ESIL Research Forum will take place on Thursday 21 and Friday 22 April 2016 at Koç University Law School and the Center for Global Public Law in Istanbul. The Research Forum is a scholarly conference which promotes engagement with research in progress by members of the Society. The 2016 Research Forum calls for papers addressing the theme of the making of international law, including through interdisciplinary research and methods, and through historical, theoretical or empirical approaches. The Call for Papers is now open. The deadline for submissions is 1 November 2015.
- The 12th ESIL Annual Conference will be held in Riga on Thursday 8 – Saturday 10 September 2016. ESIL Interest Group events will be organised, as usual, on the day before the conference, on Wednesday 7 September. The conference is hosted by the Riga Graduate School of Law in cooperation with the Latvian Constitutional Court. The theme of the conference is: How International Law Works in Times of Crisis. The Call for Papers and the Call for Posters are now open. The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2016.
- Global Law at Reading (GLAR) is delighted to unveil the programme for the inaugural Ghandhi Research Seminar Series. The series showcases the work of experts in global law fields. It is convened by Professor James A. Green, and is named in honour of Professor Sandy Ghandhi, who taught at the School of Law from 1978 to 2013. Anyone is welcome to attend these seminars, and attendance is free. However, visitors coming from outside the University of Reading are asked to please send advance notification that they will be attending: globallaw@reading.
ac.uk . - The International Network of Genocide Scholars (INoGS) will hold its next conference in Jerusalem in June 2016. Here are links to the Call for Papers and conference website.
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