A Bad Weekend at the Office for CNN

A Bad Weekend at the Office for CNN

First it confused ISIS’s flag with a gay-pride flag depicting various sex toys:


Then it placed Hong Kong somewhere in Brazil:


Interested readers may want to apply for fact-checking positions at CNN. I hear they’re hiring.

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el roam
el roam

Typically , such mistakes , can be avoided ,simply by using the very efficient site of the CIA : ” world factbook ….” ( see link ).

One may find there, all facts about states, well organized, well updated , Very friendly, very useful, here:



el roam
el roam

kevin ,

Google and wikipedia , are indeed also efficient , yet , when thinks or data should be constantly updated ( like : GDP of states , ethnical composition and so forth …. ) this site , is one of the utmost reliable sources . Thanks

Non liquet
Non liquet

Not sure Googling that first one would be safe for work!


That second image is from October 2013. You can see the crawl at the bottom references Miriam Carey, the woman involved in the U.S. Capitol shooting incident. A Google search of “cnn hong kong brazil” reveals the same. Not to let CNN off the hook or anything.

Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Ouch! We really have to do some improvement in education – Hong Kong in Brazil!