08 Nov Weekend Roundup: November 1-7, 2014
This week on Opinio Juris, Peter continued his commentary on the Zivotofsky hearing and Kristen posted the transcript of the recent hearing in the Haiti Cholera case.
Jens wrote about the DOD’s plans for a Defense Clandestine Service, and welcomed the news that President Obama will seek congressional authorization for the ISIS campaign.
Kevin discussed the passage in the OTP’s Mavi Marmara decision where the OTP finds that Israel is still occupying Gaza, and explained why the Comoros’ appeal will have little effect in practice.
In guests posts, Nikolaos Ioannidis wrote on the complex legal issues surrounding activities in the Cyprus EEZ, and Giacomo Pailli analysed the Italian Constitutional Court’s decision that the ICJ decision in Germany v Italy can be given no effect in the Italian legal system.
Finally, Jessica wrapped up the news and listed events and announcements, and Kevin asked our European readers for advice on PhD applications.
Many thanks to our guest contributors and have a nice weekend!
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