Weekend Roundup: May 10-16, 2014

Weekend Roundup: May 10-16, 2014

This week on Opinio Juris, the NYU Journal of International Law and Politics brought you a symposium on Professor Jedidiah J. Kroncke’s article Property Rights, Labor Rights and Democratization: Lessons From China and Experimental Authoritarians. In their comments, Cynthia Estlund looked at parallels with the US, Eva Pils pointed to a discrepancy in transnational civil society’s concern for labour and evictee rights in China, and John Ohnesorge reflected on why labor issues have not received much attention in the world of law and developmentJedidiah Kroncke’s response can be found here.

Kevin added the Security Council’s refusal to pay for any expenses related to an ICC investigation in Syria as another reason to be skeptical about the likelihood of a referral. More on Syria in a two-part guest post by Naz Modirzadeh who responded to the open letter to the UN on humanitarian access to Syria.

Deborah shared her opinion on the Al Nashiri case and the question whether an armed conflict existed. In another guest post, Ezequiel Heffes offered four arguments why international humanitarian law covers detention in non-international armed conflicts.

Finally, Duncan looked at the US job market for international law academics, and Peter wondered if an “anti-passport” could be helpful to deal with the FATCA woes of potential Americans overseas.

As every week, Jessica wrapped up the news and listed events and announcements.

Many thanks to our guest contributors and have a nice weekend!

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