Winding-Up the Ukraine Insta-Symposium

Winding-Up the Ukraine Insta-Symposium

Our thanks to all who have contributed to the conversation here on Opinio Juris about the many legal issues related to the situation in Ukraine.

Over the past week we have had guest posts on topics such as Russian rule-breaking as power politics, the use of force under international law, the international humanitarian law issues involved in the Crimean crisis, the limits of intervention by invitation (1, 2), the law of self-determination, lessons from the Aaland Islands dispute, the Russian/ Ukrainian Black Sea status of forces agreement, and transitional justice in Ukraine and Russia.

And, that is not to mention all the posts by the regular Opinio Juris bloggers on topics such as the Crimean referendum (1, 2), Russia’s “citizenship power play,”  the Presidential authority for visa restrictions, whether Yanukovich could request Russian intervention, and the efficacy-or lack thereof-of international law (1, 2, 3).

Further, still, in addition to the main posts, we have dozens of reader comments that have been interesting, enlightening, and informative. Thank you!

At this point,  if there are any more submissions for potential posts, we need to receive them by 3:00 pm Friday (US Eastern Time) so that those selected can be posted this weekend.

Although this symposium is drawing to a close, we at Opinio Juris will continue writing about the ongoing issues in Ukraine.

Once again, thank you, everyone, for participating in this discussion and contributing to our understanding of the situation in Ukraine.

We hope you will continue to participate as we continue exploring the international legal issues in the conflict over Ukraine’s future.

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Non liquet
Non liquet

Thanks for running it, it’s been extremely interesting reading and I think it’s wonderful that you all solicit contributions from your audience of readers. I wish all blogs engaged their audience like that. 

Remy Jorritsma

I agree with Non Liquet, this is an amazing opportunity given by OJ.
To add to this winding up post, OUP now has a Debate Map on Ukraine, bringing together a useful selection of scholarly contributions on this theme.