Crossing Lines S01E04 (“Long-Haul Predators”)

Crossing Lines S01E04 (“Long-Haul Predators”)

We are now up to the fourth episode of Crossing Lines, the new NBC drama that features a team of detectives who work for the ICC. This episode, which concerns long-haul truckers who force families to hunt each other for sport, features a nice jurisdictional discussion after the team realizes that a German victim had been in Poland:

Irish guy: “I’d say that crosses borders.”

French guy (with frustrated look): “Yeah, but not ongoing. Okay?”

Yes! The ICC does indeed lack jurisdiction over long-haul truckers who force families to hunt each other for sport.

Alas, the team investigates anyway. In the helicopter the ICC was kind enough to give them. (Which is clearly fantastical, because if the ICC did have a helicopter, Moreno-Ocampo would have commandeered it.)

On the bright side, this is almost certainly the first time in the history of international criminal law that the perpetrators were long-haul truckers. Shades, perhaps, of Eichmann and his trains?

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International Criminal Law
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Robert Clarke

If I recall correctly, one of the accused convicted in the 1943 Kharkov trial was a gas van driver.