Weekend Roundup: June 1-7, 2013

Weekend Roundup: June 1-7, 2013

This week on Opinio Juris, Kevin analyzed the ICC’s Pre-Trial Chamber’s rejection of Libya’s admissibility challenge. He examined the PTC’s analysis of Libya’s inability to prosecute, and expressed surprise that Libya’s failure to provide Saif with defence counsel was evidence of its “inability” instead of “unwillingness”. If you find yourself in Johannesburg next week, you can hear more from Kevin on the admissibility challenge during a lunchtime lecture at the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa.

In other ICC news, Jennifer Trahan argued that Germany’s ratification of the Kampala Amendment on the Crime of Aggression was a significant step.

Peter was less impressed by the US’ excuse not to attend the signing ceremony of the UN Arms Trade Treaty.

Kevin discussed recent ICTY developments, and his arguments why the ICTY’s “specifically directed” requirement is justified attracted a lot of comments.

Julian asked Chinese scholars to explain why island sovereignty claims in the South China Sea support China’s broader claims using the nine dash line.

Chris pointed out that Geoff Corn, Laurie Blank, Christopher Jenks, and Eric Talbot Jensen have published their full length article on the question of whether a “least harmful means” rule exists in the Law of Armed Conflict. He also posted about the approaching deadline for AJIL‘s Agora on “Transnational Human Rights Litigation after Kiobel. Other events and announcements can be found here. Finally, you can find our roundups of the daily news here.

Have a nice weekend!

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