11 Jan Weekday News Wrap: Friday, January 11, 2013
- More than 100 people were killed in bombings in Pakistan yesterday, and Pakistan Human Rights Watch is sounding alarm bells about increasing Sunni-Shia violence.
- Tensions in Kashmir are rising with Pakistan now claiming that India has killed another of its soldiers.
- Three women, including a founding member of the PKK, were assassinated at the Kurdish Information Centre were they worked in Paris.
- The Czech Republic is electing a new President today and tomorrow, and while there is no frontrunner among the nine candidates, the new President will be more pro-EU than the incumbent.
- A top Kremlin official has confirmed that adoptions by US parents that have been confirmed by a court order will still be able to go ahead, despite the recent legislative ban. The situation raises a range of basic international law questions about the withdrawal from an international agreement and the position of treaties in the domestic legal hierarchy.
- Lawyers took part in protests in Sri Lanka against the pending impeachment of the Chief Justice, in a power struggle between the government and the courts.
- It took less than ten days before the first WTO complaint of 2013 was filed, with the US taking aim at Indonesian import restrictions on horticultural products, animal products and animals, adopted by the latter in an effort to become more self-sufficient.
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