Reydams on the US-Rwanda Relationship

Reydams on the US-Rwanda Relationship

My friend Luc Reydams, who teaches at Notre Dame (which clearly has a better faculty than football team…), has just finished an absolutely superb — and extremely timely — essay on the relationship between US and Rwanda and its role in facilitating impunity for Kagame and his cronies.  Here is the abstract of the essay, which is available on SSRN:

This article examines whether the ICTR was doomed from the start to be a court of ‘victor’s justice.’ I explore the issue by re-examining the politics of the ICTR’s creation. Hundreds of declassified diplomatic telegrams (‘cables’) and intelligence reports of the US Department of State shed new light on this process. My analysis concentrates on the strategy of the RPF vis-à-vis the international community and the responses of the United Nations and United States. In a previous publication, I claim that US leadership is a necessary (but not a sufficient) condition for successful international prosecutions. Building on that research, I argue that understanding the evolution of the relation between Washington and Kigali – from an early, almost accidental support of the RPF to nearly unconditional backing – can help explain RPF impunity. I do not suggest that Washington planned to shield Kagame from international prosecution, or that the US was the only Security Council member to embrace him. However, once Washington entered into a partnership with the ‘new’ Rwanda, it was committed to moving forward – and this implied burying the past and oftentimes also ignoring the present. The result was victor’s justice in Arusha – and seemingly endless war in neighboring Congo.

I know Luc has just begun the process of finding a good home for the essay.  If you’re an editor of a good international-law journal, you should snap it up!

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Africa, Foreign Relations Law, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, National Security Law, Organizations
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Dan Joyner

It’s not Notre Dame’s fault. They were up against a clearly superior football team, backed by a clearly superior international law faculty. Just messing with Luc, Roger and Mary Ellen!