Events and Announcements: January 6, 2013

Events and Announcements: January 6, 2013

Upcoming Events

Calls for Papers

  • The Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law, in partnership with the ASIL Law in the Pacific Rim Region Interest Group, will hold the ILA-ASIL Asia-Pacific Research Forum on May 15-16, 2013 in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. The title of the Research Forum is “International Law and Dispute Resolution: Challenges in the Asia Pacific.” The organizing committee welcomes proposals on any topic relating to international law with a focus on the Asia Pacific. Paper proposals must be submitted electronically by January 20, 2013 to For additional information, please refer to the Research Forum website.
  • The University of The Gambia Law Faculty will publish its first Student Law Review in September 2013. Submissions from students, academics and law professionals are welcomed. This is a call for papers with a human rights focus. 300-word abstracts are due no later than 12.00 noon January 20 2013. The final article will be 5,000 words including footnotes (OSCOLA) and will need to be submitted by 1 May 2013. With questions and to submit abstracts, please contact Fiona Batt (
  • The School of Law, Queen Mary University of London presents the 4th Annual Queen Mary Postgraduate Legal Research Conference: Reinvigorating Legal Thought in Times of Change June 6, 2013. Abstracts are due Feb. 6, 2013.
  • The Ninth Cornell Law School Inter-University Graduate Student Conference welcomes submissions. The conference will be hosted by the graduate students at Cornell University Law School in Ithaca, New York on Friday, April 12 and Saturday, April 13, 2013. The program will consist of several  panels throughout the day featuring 3-4 panelists each. Each panelist will provide a ten to fifteen minute presentation of his or her paper topic after which there will be input from the other panelists and conference attendees. Abstract submissions should be received by January 18, 2013. Click for the call for papers.

Additional Announcements

  • The Berlin-based Postdoctoral Program Rechtskulturen: Confrontations beyond Comparison invites scholars to apply for seven postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2013/2014. “Fellowships begin on 1 October, 2013 and will end on 31 July, 2014. Postdoctoral fellows will receive a monthly stipend of € 2,500 plus supplements depending on their personal situation. Organizational support regarding visa, insurances, housing, etc. will be provided.” Applications will be accepted Jan. 10-24, 2013. Please find the call for applications here.
  • A special issue of the Review of European Community & International Environmental Law is now available, for a limited time, free online. Entitled All Hands on Deck: Mobilizing Climate Change Action Beyond the UNFCCC, this special issue contains 6 articles by prominent legal scholars and practitioners. Attention is drawn to the potential of other international institutions to complement the UNFCCC in its efforts to scale up climate change mitigation ambition under the Durban Platform. The contributions to the issue examine a variety of venues, including other multilateral environmental institutions, human rights mechanisms, international trade talks, and small groupings of like-minded countries, and explore how actions under these institutions could contribute to the UNFCCC’s objectives.

Last week’s announcements can be found here. If you would like to post an announcement on Opinio Juris, please contact us.

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