Knock. Knock. Who’s There? Best Treaty in The World

Knock. Knock. Who’s There? Best Treaty in The World

It’s that time of year when things get really busy in the law school environment (not to mention the pre-holiday press of government service, firm work, etc.).  So, for those of you looking for a momentary break from the memo-drafting, exam-writing, grading, article research, whirlwind of holiday events, etc., I submit to you — Jimmy Fallon on treaties.  The routine is a couple of years old, but it’s still pretty funny.  Of course, I take issue with the audience member who says the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is the “best treaty in the world.”  He clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  It’s not even in the top five treaties of all time.

Hat Tip:  My colleague (and legal historian) Harwell Wells.

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