04 Sep Joining the Twitterverse
Thanks to a couple of kind retweets by Peter, our twitter guru, some readers might have noticed that I have joined the twitterverse — @kevinjonheller. I don’t know how often I will be tweeting; I much prefer blogging as a medium of communication. But feel free to follow me, if you are so inclined.
That said, two caveats. First, I don’t plan on limiting my tweeting to issues of international law and international relations. Indeed, insofar as I use Opinio Juris to provide my thoughts in those areas, I will likely tweet primarily on other issues. Second, I want to make clear that this is my private account; nothing I say on twitter reflects the position of the blog (which doesn’t really have a position, but you know what I mean) or of my fellow bloggers. So if you see rhetoric that you consider particularly incendiary, blame me and not them.
Ken (@kennethanderson) and Julian (@julianku) are also on the Twitterverse. Other IL lawprofs who tweet include Jens Ohlin, Eugene Kontorovich, and Ian Hurd.