Is Argentina “Blockading” the Falklands?

Is Argentina “Blockading” the Falklands?

Not exactly, especially since the “blockade”, is based on Argentina’s claim to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.  Still, depending on where the vessels were “boarded”, (e.g. in the alleged EEZ?), there might be some problem here. In any event, something like economic harassment seems to be going on.

Argentine patrol vessels have boarded 12 Spanish boats, operating under fishing licences issued by the Falkland Islands, for operating “illegally” in disputed waters in recent weeks.

Argentine patrol commanders carrying out interceptions near the South American coast told Spanish captains they were in violation of Argentina’s “legal” blockade of sea channels to the Falklands.

The warning has been backed up in a letter to Aetinape, the Spanish fishing vessels association from the Argentine embassy in Madrid warning boats in the area that “Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and adjoining maritime spaces are an integral part of the Argentine territory.”

Argentina looks like it is going to do a full court press, both diplomatically and otherwise, to pressure the UK into talks on the Falklands’ future. And I think it has a good chance of working.

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Not going to happen. The Falklanders still want to be British, and British voters would still destroy a government that surrendered the islands. I think a second war is more likely than Argentina getting the Falklands by negotiation.

Confused Scholar
Confused Scholar

I expect Kevin Jon Heller to be up in arms against Argentina’s act of aggression and piracy on the high seas! Oh wait, the Falklands aren’t in Israel. Nevermind.


To suggest that Heller is biased is cheap. His arguments are invariably well-argued and well-informed. If you believe his conclusions on Israel are incorrect, then I would invite you to challenge his reasoning.

Silly ad-hominem attacks can be made by a three year old – I hope you have more to offer to the discussion than your post above.

M. Gross
M. Gross

I concur with JS.  From the UK’s standpoint, there’s nothing to discuss.
I suppose given how close the previous conflict was (and how Britain has continued to dismantle their navy) has somewhat emboldened Argentina.