Melbourne Journal of International Law, Vol. 12-1: Opinio Juris Online Symposium

Melbourne Journal of International Law, Vol. 12-1: Opinio Juris Online Symposium

The Melbourne Journal of International Law is delighted to be continuing our partnership with Opinio Juris. This week will feature three articles from issue 12(1) of the Journal. The full issue is available for download here.

On Monday, our discussion kicks off with Karen Scott’s article ‘International Environmental Governance: Managing Fragmentation through Institutional Connection’. Scott examines how multilateral environmental agreements have sought to manage and to exploit the fragmentation of international environmental law through the creation of formal institutional linkages, and considers the challenges this practice presents to the fundamental assumptions of international law. Anastasia Telesetsky of the University of Idaho will respond.

On Tuesday, we continue with Christian De Vos’ case note ‘Someone Who Comes between One Person and Another’: Lubanga, Local Cooperation and the Right to a Fair Trial’. De Vos considers the role of ‘intermediaries’ at the International Criminal Court, focusing on the practical and normative challenges that the use of evidence gathered by intemediaries has presented for the Office of the Prosecutor and Trial Chamber I in the Lubanga trial. Gideon Boas of Monash University will respond.

Finally, on Wednesday, Odette Murray, David Kinley, and Chip Pitts will discuss ‘Exaggerated Rumours of the Death of an Alien Tort? Corporations, Human Rights and the Remarkable Case of Kiobel‘. Of particular timeliness given recent developments, Murray, Kinley and Pitts analyse the legal and political ramifications of the Kiobel decision, and in their discussion update their article in light of the decision in Sarei v Rio Tinto and the recent grant of certiorari in the US Supreme Court. Justine Nolan of the University of New South Wales will respond.

We hope that you enjoy participating in the upcoming discussion. Many thanks to Kevin Jon Heller and the team at Opinio Juris for hosting us over the coming week. For further information about the Journal, the editors may be contacted at law-mjil [at]

Sam Naparstek, Tiong Tjin Saw, and Suzanne Zhou

2011 Editors

Patrick McGlynn

2011 Assistant Editor

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