International Law in Domestic Courts ASIL Interest Group Meeting

International Law in Domestic Courts ASIL Interest Group Meeting

Chimene Keitner asks us to pass along this announcement of the works-in-progress meeting of the International Law in Domestic Courts ASIL Interest Group meeting, at BYU on December 16, 2011.  It looks to be a very interesting set of papers, and the agenda and links are below the fold.

The ASIL International Law in Domestic Courts Interest Group is holding its annual works-in-progress meeting on December 16, 2011 at BYU Law School in Provo, UT (shuttle service will be provided to and from the Marriott City Center in Salt Lake City).

The workshop agenda is available online here:<>

ASIL members and non-members are welcome to attend. Registration information is available online here:<>

The formal discussions will focus on the following five papers, which will be circulated before the meeting:

John Coyle, “Reviving the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation”; Commentator: David Sloss

Vivian Curran, “The Alien Tort Statute and the Corporate Defendant: A Missing Link in the Analysis”; Commentator: Jodie Kirshner

Kristina Daugirdas, “A Multilateral Substitute for Foreign Aid Legislation?”; Commentator: Peggy McGuinness

Andrew Kent, “The Court’s Fateful Error in Ex parte Quirin, the Nazi Saboteur Case”; Commentator: Steve Vladeck

Wayne Sandholz, “Treaties, Constitutions, Courts, and Human Rights”; Commentator: Chris Whytock

We welcome you to join us at BYU and at future interest group meetings.

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