Russia-China Double Veto on Syria Resolution

Russia-China Double Veto on Syria Resolution

Russian and China issue a dramatic double veto of the US-backed measure directed against Syria; nine Council members voted in favor, and India, Brazil, South Africa, and Lebanon abstained.  Welcome to the New Post-Hegemonic World Order?  It’s too soon to tell and our Data Set is insufficiently full.  Still, it does recall David Rieff’s observation that a multipolar world is more competitive, not more cooperative.  I don’t know where this leaves such things as R2P and in particular R2P undertaken without the blessing of the Security Council; I’d be interested in hearing Mark’s views if he wanted to take time to say what he thinks this means, if anything. I do believe that if one focuses narrowly upon international criminal law, tribunals, and the ICC, one will conclude one thing about the direction of the “international community” – but if one pays attention to the Security Council or the General Assembly, one will conclude something else.

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Asaf Lubin
Asaf Lubin

Speaking of which- can anyone refer me to good legal literature on R2P undertaken without SC endorsement? and/or similarly UNGA actions (Res. 337 styled) resulting from SC veto power? Thanks. 

Mark Kersten

I made the assumption that by Mark, Kenneth meant me and wrote up a brief post on the topic:

Mark Kersten

I’m very pleased and honoured to get the shout out and to know that some of OJ’s readers are so interested in my opinions on these issues. Thanks again Kenneth!