Mark Kersten, Guest-Blogging

Mark Kersten, Guest-Blogging

I am delighted to announce that Mark Kersten will be guest-blogging at Opinio Juris for the next two weeks.  Mark is the founder of the superb blog Justice in Conflict, which I’ve recommended before.  Here is his bio:

Mark Kersten is a PhD student in International Relations at the London School of Economics and author of the blog Justice in Conflict. His research examines the nexus of conflict resolution and the pursuit of international criminal justice. In particular, his interests are focused on the effects of the ICC on peace processes and negotiations in northern Uganda, Libya and Darfur. To this end, Mark has recently returned from a three month fieldwork stint in Uganda. His posts primarily consider the political, rather than legal, tensions and issues that emerge when justice is pursued in active conflicts.

Welcome, Mark!  We look forward to your posts.

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Kenneth Anderson

Mark, welcome and delighted you’re with us!

Mark Kersten

Thanks so much Kenneth – it’s a huge honour and pleasure to be posting with Opinio Juris!