Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

To all OJers everywhere who celebrate it, Merry Christmas, and to everyone a joyous holiday season.  It is snowing large wet flakes here in DC on Christmas morning.  In my case, my wife and I drove down on Thursday to Chapel Hill, North Carolina and drove my wife’s elderly parents up to DC to join us.  Other family have arrived as well, and I am Most Pleased to say that so far I have not been moved to issue an appeal that next some year some nice Jewish family temporarily adopt me during the holidays and take me someplace warm and far away.

Like many of us here at OJ, I have friends celebrating this Christmas, away from friends and family and loved ones, in places ranging from Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Congo, and other places, and best wishes and hopes that you will be sooner rather than later back with your loved ones.  I should lastly report that at the Christmas children’s Mass last night at the parish, Santa made an appearance and pronounced me on the “nice” side of the “naughty-nice” list.  I have a candy-cane to prove it.  It is true, as he handed it to me, he muttered something about “defining deviance down,” but still.  I have not yet been downstairs to see what this means, but that’s next.

Merry Christmas and to all our readers and friends, best wishes to you and your families and loved ones.

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Kevin Jon Heller

Well said, Ken!