US Naval War College Conference Video Now Online

US Naval War College Conference Video Now Online

The US Naval War College international law conference, held in June in Newport, Rhode Island, is now online in video format.  It was a terrific discussion, with great panels and discussants, and I counted it as a privilege to be there.  One reason the video for this conference is so interesting, however, is that the audience – and this year it was a very sizable audience – consists of some of the world’s leading experts in the laws of armed conflict.  Their interventions in the question and discussion sections are … lively, to say the least.  My congratulations to all the sponsors and the organizers.  Check it out, at this page.

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Sameera Daniels
Sameera Daniels

That will be a treat to watch. Thank you Ken!


I randomly started listening to this and I’m surprised at the level the third speaker of the first panel misinterprets the attribution tests (with regards the private actors) and specifically the ILC approach to the same. And he is only one of the speakers…


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