More on State Department Staffing

More on State Department Staffing

As usual, Laura Rozen (now at Politico) is on top of the latest international law news at Foggy Bottom. Columbia Law Professor Sarah Cleveland has been appointed Counselor on International Law in the office of State Department Legal Advisor Harold Koh. According to an email circulated by the school’s dean announcing the appointment, Cleveland will “help develop the State Department’s position in U.S. litigation involving international and foreign relations law issues, including human rights cases in U.S. courts,” and (critically) help State, DOJ, and the White House coordinate on these issues. Professor Cleveland’s 2006 piece in the Yale Journal of International Law, “Our International Constitution,” is still the most comprehensive work I’ve seen on how to think about the relevance of international and foreign law to U.S. constitutional analysis. As with Harold Koh, she is superbly well qualified to take on what remains an extremely full plate of issues. Great news all around.

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