Happy 60th Birthday to the Geneva Conventions

Happy 60th Birthday to the Geneva Conventions

I am blogger-lite this week, with apologies to all, but … I did not think we here at OJ would want to let the 60th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949 go unremarked.  Congratulations particularly to the ICRC and its stewardship and active promotion of the Conventions, going clear back to their earlier versions.  We can discuss another day where the Conventions, their Protocols, interpretations, practical force in the world, and all that are headed in the future; today, I’m happy to celebrate their anniversary.

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John C. Dehn

I believe the Journal of International Criminal Justice is planning to release a special issue to commemorate the occasion.  It is an Oxford publication.  Perhaps there is room for discussion of the issue on OJ with the editors or authors.