23 Jul Next Up: Plagues and Pestilence
According to a national poll conducted by Time, now that Walter Cronkite is dead, John Stewart is America’s most trusted newscaster. Stewart, 44%. Brian Williams, 29%. Charlie Gibson, 19%. Katie Couric: 7%.
(I guess I shouldn’t mock. If those were the choices, I’d have voted for him, too.)
Jon Stewart keeps saying, every time he is asked about such things, that he is just a clown, that he doesn’t think about himself as a serious news personality. I’ve always wondered how he can say that with a straight face.
Funny, Kevin, that you of all people should spell Jon Stewart’s name wrong…
If Fox News continues on it’s infotainment campaign, Mr. Stewart may find himself a serious newsman if only by the virtue of a continual lowering of standards.
I’m not quite decrying the death of “serious” investigative journalism, as I always felt it had an agenda previously, it just wasn’t as open and obvious. They’re not any more skewed these days, just more blatant.