Kristof’s Advice to President Bush on Darfur: Guess What’s Missing?

Kristof’s Advice to President Bush on Darfur: Guess What’s Missing?

In a column that only a NYT columnist could write, Nicholas Kristof gives President Bush a 10-point plan to solve the Darfur Crisis. After noting that Condi Rice talked President Bush out of his initial instinct to send in the Marines, Kristof offers mostly sensible advice, starting with U.S. pressure to come up with a negotiated peace settlement in Sudan, moving on to U.S. support for France, and then U.S. pressure on China.

In his rather long list of ideas, there is one item that is conspicuously missing as any part of Nick Kristof’s solution to the Darfur crisis.

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Gabriel Malor
Gabriel Malor

It’s probably your sarcasm that’s causing me problems, but who said “supporting the ICC prosecutions was essential to any lasting peace?”

If it was anyone other than Kristof (at some other time than in his 10-point article), I don’t get your point.