November 2006

I am delighted to have the opportunity to guest blog on Opinio Juris, and look forward to dialoguing with you in the coming days. Many thanks for including me. I want to lead off with a few reflections on international law and geography that seem relevant in our heated pre-election environment. Beginning with Harvard in 1947 and continuing over...

We are pleased to welcome Professor Hari Osofsky as a guest blogger over the next two weeks. Hari teaches at the University of Oregon Law School and is an expert in international environmental law. Her current research focuses on transnational regulation and the intersection between international law and geography. Her SSRN page is here. In addition to...

Thanks to Cesare Romano for some terrific blogging during the last two weeks. (I'd recommend them all, but his last post below is especially entertaining and ambitious.) We'll hope to have Cesare back again soon for another guest stint! ...

As I discussed in a recent post, I was fortunate enough to attend José Alvarez's talk last week in Ottawa at the Canadian Council of International Law's Annual Meeting. José has been kind enough to make the text of his talk available (see here or check out the ASIL President's Page where it will be posted more permanently). ...