Opinio Juris Welcomes Its Newest Member, Peter Spiro

Opinio Juris Welcomes Its Newest Member, Peter Spiro

On behalf of all of us at Opinio Juris, I am delighted to announce that Professor Peter Spiro has accepted our invitation to become a permanent contributor to the blog. As anyone who followed his (remarkably prolific) guest stint knows, Peter brings a wealth of experience and insight to blogging and has expertise in areas of law that complement our own. We look forward to a long and successful collaboration!

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Superb news – I very much enjoyed his guest stint and I’m sure he’ll be a great addition (and hope that OJ might find some more female bloggers as guests or permanent members soon…)

Peter Spiro
Peter Spiro

Glad to be on board!


I second the above sentiment from Fiona.

I agree as well about the desire for a (an additional) female blogger or two, for if Concurring Opinions can add Professor Rachel Godsil to its roster and Crooked Timber can bring on board Ingrid Robeyns, surely Opinio juris can find another female blogger (counterbalancing the yang energy with some yin forces) to join its ranks.