Big Changes at Opinio Juris

Big Changes at Opinio Juris

It is a week of transition here at Opinio Juris, as we prepare to migrate to a new and much improved location in the blogosphere. After finishing our first year here on blogger, we will emerge next week fully loaded at, a new site that will have added functionality and subject matter searchability. If you are signed up for the RSS feed from the blogger address, please be sure to register for the new feed.

As we tweak the features of the new site, we will post to both locations. Please check out the new site and let us know (via email or comment below) if you have ideas for improvements or features you would like to see added. And, as always, check this space for updates.

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The new blog is beautiful and far better in terms of readability and organisation. I like it very much – though I’d like it more if it linked to more non-American int. law/IR blogs 😉