Gelukkig NieuwJaar!

Gelukkig NieuwJaar!

As some of you have noticed, my blogging has been very light as of late. As I mentioned in a prior post (I think), I am currently teaching a winter course at the University of the Netherlands Antilles on the Dutch Caribbean island of Curacao. The winter course is co-sponsored by Hofstra, the University of Baltimore, and Erasmus University in Rotterdam. It’s a tough job to leave the wet snow in Long Island and to come down to teach amid sunny skies, beaches, and 80 degree weather, but someone has got to do it. (And for those of you readers who are law students, and want a chance to argue with me in person, feel free to sign up for the program next winter).

Due to my Curacao sojourn so I haven’t been able to follow up on the zillions of interesting stories including the continued fallout from the NSA spying program, the continuing legal struggle over Padilla and enemy combatants, and all the other stuff I would normally blog about. Thankfully, my co-bloggers have more than picked up the slack.

So let me content myself by wishing all of our readers a Gelukkig NieuwJaar, or Happy New Year and to thank them for keeping us in their bookmark files. This first year of Opinio Juris has been a lot of fun and I look forward to the next year with great anticipation. See you all next year!

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