First Step Toward a North American Union?

First Step Toward a North American Union?

Some folks get excited about “global governance” and “world government”. But while there are some trends toward global integration in the form of free trade and greater international cooperation, I sometimes think the more likely trend will be toward regional integration. The recent setbacks for the EU notwithstanding, regionalism is more likely to occur because of competition from other regions. Hence, the growth of the EU might force the U.S. to get more serious about integrating with Canada and Mexico. Such integration might push the Latin American countries to bind themselves together more. And then the Africans respond by tightening the African Union, etc. etc.

At least in the short term, there seems little prospect of greater North American integration as U.S.-Canadian relations remain at an all time low and anger of illegal Mexican immigration grows in the U.S. There has been a lot of chatter in the thinktank world about a “North American Community” modeled on the E.U. (say bring in the Central American and Caribbean countries, create a North American Trade Court and integrate labor and environmental laws), but I think this remains a bit of a pipe dream for now, especially as the threat of deeper E.U. integration recedes.

The three countries have currently eschewed steps toward a more formal union and have instead settled on a “Security and Prosperity Partnership ” that simply pushes inter-agency cooperation along a number of lines: public health, intellectual property, regulatory streamlining. While this and future initiatives might be the first step toward a “North American Union”, the fuzzy non-binding aspect of the SPP might also signal that integration has reached its limits.

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Sooner or later, the unification (or re-unification if you go back far enough) of the land mass areas now known as the United States of America and Canada, respectively (with the possible exception of of Quebec), will become necessarily inescapable due to economic, cultural, climatic, environmental, entrepreneurial, political and security considerations.


United States and Provinces of America (the “USA&P”)?

Robert Prather
Robert Prather

The most I can see is the U.S, Canada and Mexico forming a customs union, which is one step from where we are now. We’re simply too different and, as several polls over the past couple of years indicate, the Canadians don’t like us very much. Indeed, they take pride in pointing out their differences.

Chris Borgen
Chris Borgen

Back in 1972 a Canadian DJ held a contest to come up with a phrase that would be the Canadian equivalent of “As American as apple pie.” So you had to come up with a phrase that started “As Canadian as…”

The winner? “As Canadian as possible under the circumstances.” Well, at least they have a sense of humor (and cheap pharmaceuticals).

And, by the way, I don’t think a North American Union is likely in our lifetimes; there’s little enthusiasm for it on either side of the border and none in Quebec.

R. Santalesa
R. Santalesa

I’m at a loss why anon, and others, view “the unification . . . of the land mass areas now known as the United States of America and Canada . . . necessarily inescapable due to economic, cultural, climatic, environmental, entrepreneurial, political and security considerations.”
Really? What proof of this is there? None. The demonstrative trend supports disaggregation, rather than a coalescing, especially one on this scale.


I am late to this posting…but I will add that I am one Canadian who would like to see greater political initiative toward North American integration. Indeed, I have started my own public musings about this. Thank you for your posting.


What is so surprising here is the ignorance of the author and commentators. This is not a snide remark. I too was ignorant. But go to for a report on the traitorous activities of our leaders who are going to ram a North American Union down our throats, like it or not. The report in part reads:“At their meeting in Waco, Texas, at the end of March 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin committed their governments to a path of cooperation and joint action. We welcome this important development and offer this report to add urgency and specific recommendations to strengthen their efforts. “What is the plan? Simple, erase the borders. The plan is contained in a “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” little noticed when President Bush and President Fox created it in March 2005:“In March 2005, the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States adopted a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), establishing ministerial-level working groups to address key security and economic issues facing North America and setting a short deadline for reporting progress back to their governments. President Bush described the significance… Read more »


What is so surprising here is the ignorance of the author and commentators. This is not a snide remark. I too was ignorant. But go to for a report on the traitorous activities of our leaders who are going to ram a North American Union down our throats, like it or not. The report in part reads:“At their meeting in Waco, Texas, at the end of March 2005, U.S. President George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin committed their governments to a path of cooperation and joint action. We welcome this important development and offer this report to add urgency and specific recommendations to strengthen their efforts. “What is the plan? Simple, erase the borders. The plan is contained in a “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” little noticed when President Bush and President Fox created it in March 2005:“In March 2005, the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States adopted a Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), establishing ministerial-level working groups to address key security and economic issues facing North America and setting a short deadline for reporting progress back to their governments. President Bush described the significance… Read more »

Free Thinker
Free Thinker

North American Union? This is a good way for Bush to finally and totally eliminate the constitution once and for all! No Union, Impeach Bush, and remove the Democrats and Republicans from Congress!


I dont think the American people will stand for such a union,shoved down there throats.And if it were to happen, civil war is a real possibility.


We have a serious problem in the US regarding illegal immigration. Research done by Time magazine
estimates some 3 million illegal immigrants will stream into the US this year. Many of these are from countries that are sponsors of terrorists. I am all for Legal immigration. It is simply that illegal immigration will continue to erode our nation by putting undue burden on our citizens from financial, educational, and medical burdens to over crowded housing issues.
Simply put– someone who breaks the law to be here has no impetus to keep it while they are here. They do not contribute measurably to society and cause numerous problems to our citizens, not the least of which is a large increase in the threat of domestic terrorism. I suggest you obtain a copy of “In Mortal Danger – The Battle for America’s Border and Security” By Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo. This book is an
eye opener and will motivate anyone to actively work with lawmakers to correct the path we are on.