Ukraine Tag

[Agata Kleczkowska is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland.] Since February 24, the international community has been discussing Russia’s ‘attack’, ‘aggression’, ‘invasion’, or ‘assault’ against Ukraine. While certainly all of these terms rightly describe what happened in Ukraine on the morning of February 24, many seem to forget that there has been an ongoing...

[Dr. Sava Janković is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Law Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, where he pursues research under the National Science Centre grant No 2020/37/K/HS5/02762. Professor Volker Roeben is the Dean and Professor of International Law at Durham Law School.] Background The Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and the Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) declared independence from Ukraine in May 2014, following President Yanukovych's...

[Julia Emtseva is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and Paul Emtsev is an independent public communication expert.] For Russia, the current war in Ukraine rests on the assumption that NATO’s Eastern enlargement is a threat to the country. For several months, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the West that deploying weapons or soldiers to Ukraine would...

[Marc Weller is Professor of International Law at the University of Cambridge and a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers. He served as United Nations Senior Mediation Expert and has been an advisor in a large number of peace negotiations. He is the co-editor of International Law and Peace Settlements (Cambridge University Press, 2021). The views expressed are his own alone.] On Monday, Russia floated a peace balloon....

[Dr. Mona Paulsen is an Assistant Professor in International Economic Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science.] Dramatic escalation of economic sanctions on the Russian Federation have made one thing clear – trade and security are no longer strange bedfellows. On 2 March 2022, Ukraine formally invoked the security exceptions of the World Trade Organization (Article XXI of the GATT 1994, Article XIVbis...

[Nikolas M. Rajkovic is Chair of International Law at Tilburg University (The Netherlands). He is a Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the Law Department of the European University Institute (Italy).] NATO and EU leaders present Russia’s aggression against Ukraine as a storied conflict between geopolitical power and a “rules-based order.”  In the hours that followed the invasion, EU Commission President, Ursula Von...

[Moisés Montiel Mogollón is a lawyer advising individuals, companies, and States on matters of international law, human rights, and other international areas at Lotus Soluciones Legales. He is an Adjunct Professor of International Law at Universidad Iberoamericana (Mexico City) and Universidad Panamericana (Guadalajara).] In the wake of the Russian invasion on Ukraine, which the UN General Assembly has already politically qualified as an act of...

[Hiruni Alwishewa is a PhD Candidate in International Law at The Graduate Institute Geneva, researching the responsibilities of actors involved in the transfer of arms to conflict zones.] Introduction The recent invasion of Ukraine will likely revive the assertion that international law has failed to constrain Russian aggression, as occurred when the Autonomous Region of Crimea was annexed by Russia in March...

[Victoria Kerr LL.M. is a Scottish solicitor and Junior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, working primarily on the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs funded project 'Strengthening Ukraine's Capacity to Investigate and Prosecute International Crimes' in partnership with Global Rights Compliance.] Vladimir Putin, in his speech of 24 February 2022, declared, with reference to Article 51(7) of the UN Charter, that he was launching a ‘special...

[Vivek Bhatt is an Assistant Professor of International Law and Human Rights at Utrecht University’s Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM).] I. Introduction  In an article written after the NATO intervention in Kosovo, Charlesworth describes international law as a “discipline of crisis.” To Charlesworth, the discipline of international law is stifled by scholars’ fascination with moments of crisis for the law’s enforcement...

[André de Hoogh is Associate Professor in International Law, University of Groningen. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Public International Law, which provides advice to the Dutch government and parliament; this contribution has been written in his personal capacity, and does not reflect in any way the views of the Advisory Committee. His research covers a wide...

[Sergey Sayapin is an Associate Professor and Associate Dean at KIMEP University’s School of Law (Almaty, Kazakhstan).] The recent days have seen what is likely the most flagrant breach of the prohibition of the use of force since the Second World War. Commentators have already discussed a few aspects of this blatant act of aggression – such as the importance of...