reparations Tag

[Professor Luke Moffett is chair of human rights and international humanitarian law at Queen's University Belfast.] As the war in Ukraine continues in its third year, efforts for accountability and redress are increasingly turning to external adjudication and intervention. Whether through the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court (ICC) and European Court of Human Rights to the increasing involvement of...

[Beth S. Lyons is an experienced criminal defence attorney who has represented defendants before the ICTR and ICC. She is currently one of the counsel representing Dominic Ongwen.] Introduction Let me say from the start that I believe that victims of crimes have a right to redress and to reparations which are proportionate to the harms caused by these crimes.  This right...

[Margaret Ajok is currently the Transitional Justice Advisor at the Governance and Security Programme Secretariat (formerly JLOS), at the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Uganda. She is a lawyer and advocate of the Courts of Judicature of Uganda and is also a task force member for the African Union Women for Transitional Justice Network representing Africa.] Introduction The over two decades...

[Sylvia Acan is a survivor; abducted at 13 years, Sylvia lived in captivity for almost 8 years. Following her repatriation, Sylvia returned to school and completed tertiary level education. In 2011, she founded Golden Women Vision Uganda to provide support to women and children victims of the LRA war, including many victims of Dominic Ongwen.] I am a survivor of the atrocities...

[Fatuma Abiya is a child born in captivity following the abduction of her mother by the Lord’s Resistance Army. Now a young adult, Fatuma is a Human Rights activist, a peace practitioner and law graduate who completed law school in 2023. She is a passionate advocate concerning issues impacting women, youth and children born of war.] Background I was born in captivity to...

[Shawan Jabarin is General Director at Al-Haq. Ralph Wilde is a member of the Faculty of Laws, University College London.] This was delivered as a lecture to the UK Balfour Project, and is based on arguments set out in greater detail, with full citations, in an article published in the Journal of the History of International Law, both by the second...

[Danaé van der Straten Ponthoz is the Head of Advocacy and Policy at the Global Survivors Fund. The views in this post are expressed in the author’s personal capacity. Leanna Burnard was a Legal Advisor at REDRESS during the MLA negotiations. She is now a lawyer with the Global Legal Action Network.] Introduction 26 May 2023 was a historical day in the...

[Julie Bardèche is a French lawyer and a legal advisor at REDRESS, an NGO that pursues legal claims on behalf of survivors of torture in the UK and around the world to obtain justice and reparation for the violation of their human rights.] The author represented REDRESS at the Diplomatic Conference that led to the adoption of the Ljubljana-The Hague Convention. The...