United Nations Reform

I had hoped not to write any more posts about the international vs. internationalized tribunal debate. I have written extensively on the topic already, and the prospects for an international tribunal grow dimmer with each passing day. Alas, Patryk Labuda's most recent entry on the topic at Just Security requires a response: although the arguments are the same unpersuasive ones...

[Paul Philipp Stewens (Twitter: @PStewens) is a master’s student of international law at the Geneva Graduate Institute and holds a BA in International Relations from Technische Universität Dresden.] “Parents need to know that The Rescuers isn’t as accessible to the youngest viewers as many other Disney features – its dark story (a suspenseful tale of child kidnapping and slavery) may be...

[Jarpa Dawuni is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Howard University, Washington D.C. She is a qualified Barrister-at-Law before the Superior Courts of Ghana. She holds a Doctorate in Political Science from Georgia State University.] On October 20, 2020, the Institute for African Women in Law (IAWL) convened a regional high-level consultative meeting of experts, in conjunction with the Gender...

[Ahmed Abofoul is an Independent Legal Researcher at Al-Haq’s Legal Research and Advocacy Department.] Introduction Since its creation, the International Criminal Court (ICC or the Court) has often been understandably described as a “giant without arms or legs”. As the Court does not have enforcement powers of its own, it has been entirely dependent on the cooperation of States to fulfil its...

Events Virtual Event on "Why Mechanisms and Not Tribunals?": The NYU School of Professional Studies (NYUSPS) Center for Global Affairs is pleased to announce a virtual event on "Why Mechanisms and Not Tribunals? - What the Syria, Iraq, and Myanmar Investigative Mechanisms say about the current state of International Justice." Join practitioners and critical thinkers in the field of international justice...

[Danya Chaikel is a Canadian lawyer who specialises in international criminal law, currently consulting with the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ) on their Call it what it is campaign, an #ATLASToo admin, and an officer on the IBA’s War Crimes Committee. Thanks to Alix Vuillemin and Valeria Babără who helped with this post. Part I of this post can be found here.] IER report – a gamechanger? The IER Report was released...

[Danya Chaikel is a Canadian lawyer who specialises in international criminal law, currently consulting with the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ) on their Call it what it is campaign, an #ATLASToo admin, and an officer on the IBA’s War Crimes Committee. Thanks to Alix Vuillemin and Valeria Babără who helped with this post] The next ICC Prosecutor has been chosen, following a prolonged election fraught with procedural controversies which ultimately overshadowed...

[Andras Vamos-Goldman is a former Canadian diplomat, including serving as the coordinator of Canada’s UN Security Council political team. He is currently a Visiting Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor at the NYU School of Professional Studies (NYU SPS) Center for Global Affairs.] The Challenge to Overcome Dispensing with “diplomatic-speak”, elected members on the United Nations (UN) Security Council (Council) are like jockeys forced...

[Jennifer Trahan is Clinical Professor and Director of the Concentration in International Law and Human Rights at the NYU Center for Global Affairs and author of Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes (CUP 2020), winner of the “2020 ABILA Book of the Year Award” by the American Branch of the International Law Association.] This is...

[Jennifer Trahan is Clinical Professor and Director of the Concentration in International Law and Human Rights at the NYU Center for Global Affairs and author of Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes (CUP 2020), winner of the “2020 ABILA Book of the Year Award” by the American Branch of the International Law Association.] I am...