
[Moisés Montiel is a lawyer advising individuals, companies, and States on matters of international law, human rights, and other international areas at Lotus Soluciones Legales. @moisesmontielm] Alex Saab, a Colombian national and businessman, decided to throw his lot in with the Maduro administration in Venezuela and is currently awaiting a decision by the Supreme Court of Cabo Verde on whether...

[Clare Brown is the Deputy Director of Victim Advocates International. She is Assistant to Counsel in a submission filed on behalf of 64 Rohingya to the International Criminal Court, requesting the court to consider holding hearings in Bangladesh.]  On 16 March, Miranda Sissons, the inaugural Director of Human Rights for Facebook, posted an article on Opinio Juris announcing the launch...

By Karolína Babická, Legal Adviser at the International Commission of Jurists, and Maroš Matiaško, Senior legal counsel at the Forum for Human Rights. On 17 March 2021 the decision of the European Committee on Social Rights (ECSR) in the collective complaint No. 148/2017 ICJ v Czech Republic, was made public. The Committee found a violation of Article 17 of the 1961 European Social...

[Katayoun Hosseinnejad is a visiting lecturer of international law at Allameh Tabataba’i University and senior researcher at Bulan Institute for Peace Innovations (@katayoonhnejad).] [Pouria Askary is an associate professor of international law at Allameh Tabataba’i University (@askarypouria).] On 3 February 2021, the ICJ for the third and the last time reviewed the 1955 Treaty of Amity, Economic Relations and Consular Rights between...

[Charles C. Jalloh is a Professor of Law at Florida International University, USA. Jalloh previously served as a legal adviser in the Special Court for Sierra Leone and is founder of the Center for International Law and Policy in Africa based in Freetown, Sierra Leone. His related works include, as editor, The Sierra Leone Special Court and Its Legacy: The Impact for Africa and International Criminal...

By Tim Fish Hodgson, Legal Adviser on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at the International Commission of Jurists and Rossella De Falco, Programme Officer on the Right to Health at Global Initiative on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Historically pandemics have often catalyzed significant social change. As historian of epidemics Frank Snowden puts it: “epidemics are a category of disease that seem to hold...

[Joseph Rikhof is an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Common Law of the University of Ottawa. Until his retirement in 2017 he was also a senior counsel at the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Section of the Canadian Department of Justice. This essay was initially prepared at the request of FIU Law Review for its micro-symposium on The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone by Charles C. Jalloh (Cambridge, 2020)....

[Linda E. Carter is a Distinguished Professor of Law Emerita at University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law. This essay was initially prepared at the request of FIU Law Review for its micro-symposium on The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone by Charles C. Jalloh (Cambridge, 2020). An edited and footnoted version is forthcoming in Volume 15.1 of the law review in...

[Leila Nadya Sadat is the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law and the Director of the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute at the Washington University School of Law. This essay was initially prepared at the request of FIU Law Review for its micro-symposium on The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone by Charles C. Jalloh (Cambridge, 2020). An edited and...

[Leila Nadya Sadat is the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law and the Director of the Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute at the Washington University School of Law. This essay was initially prepared at the request of FIU Law Review for its micro-symposium on The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone by Charles C. Jalloh (Cambridge, 2020). An edited and...

Srinivas Burra is an Assistant Professor at South Asian University. Photo credit: Irish Times This post deals with India’s recent statement on the right of self-defence against the acts of non-state actors. India’s statement at the Arria Formula meeting on 24 February 2021, organised by Mexico on the topic of ‘Upholding the Collective Security System of the UN Charter: the...

[William A. Schabas is a Professor of international law at Middlesex University London and Professor of international criminal law and human rights at Leiden University. This essay was initially prepared at the request of FIU Law Review for its micro-symposium on The Legal Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone by Charles C. Jalloh (Cambridge, 2020). An edited and footnoted version is forthcoming in Volume 15.1 of the law review in spring...