
[Ali Jameel is an Accountability and Redress Officer at Mwatana for Human Rights and Niku Jafarnia is a Legal Fellow at Mwatana for Human Rights. Mwatana for Human Rights, established in 2007, is an independent Yemeni civil society organization that advocates for human rights through the documentation of civilian harm, the provision of legal support to victims and through advocacy...

[Chester Brown is a Professor of International Law and International Arbitration, University of Sydney Law School; Alvin Yap, Ryce Lee and Rachel Tan are all LLBs from the National University of Singapore.] The WHO-led mission to investigate the zoonotic source of the COVID-19 virus and its introduction to the human population has attracted considerable international attention, most recently on the...

Featured Announcement New Course from BIICL: International Trade Law  The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is delighted to announce the launch of a new (Virtual) Short Course on International Trade Law. The training course offers an in-depth dynamic and applied knowledge of the regulatory framework of the multilateral trading system, covering both the institutional and substantive law of the World...

[Junru Lyu is a J.D. Candidate at Georgetown University Law Center, with an LL.B. degree obtained from Shandong University.]Photo credit: Gallo Images—Getty Images On Apr. 17th, Dr. Trung Nguyen Quoc Tan published his post concerning the occupation status of the Paracel Islands and the Spratly Islands. He claims in his post that given China’s military and paramilitary activities in the South...

[Global Rights Compliance (GRC) is a niche organisation that specialises in legal services associated with violations of international law. For more on GRC’s work on conflict and hunger, see here. For more on GRC’s accountability work, click here.] The looming famines in up to three dozen countries have two things in common, “they are primarily driven by conflict, and they are entirely preventable.”World Food Programme Introduction 24...

[John Quigley is Professor Emeritus at the Moritz College of Law of The Ohio State University.] Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons The recent violence in Israel/Palestine highlights the need to resolve the underlying issues that have kept generated turmoil for a century. The unresolved issue of Arabs displaced in 1948 is at the top of the list of such issues. The urgency of...

Events Discussion Group: Legal Pluralism, Voluntary Compliance, and Universal International Law: Join the SLS International Law Section to discuss legal pluralism in international law with Dr Julie Fraser (Assistant Professor at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) and the Montaigne Centre at Utrecht University). Julie will discuss the incorporation of local norms, using Islamic law as an example, and how we...

Mariam Bezhanishvili (LinkedIn; Twitter; ResearchGate) is a PhD candidate at the European University Viadrina, researching on the protection of property rights during armed conflicts and occupations. Photo Credits to Source:      The judgement of the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) on the inter-state case Georgia v Russia (II), which was delivered on 21 January 2021, has become a subject of controversy...

Raghav Mendiratta is a lawyer and a Legal Fellow at the Future of Free Speech project (Justitia and Columbia University). @raghav_mendirat Photo: Rajya Sabha TV   As per the recently released Freedom House Freedom Report, India has now been demoted to ‘Partly Free’ from the ‘Free’ category. Civil liberties and free expression have seen a slow but steady breakdown in India over the last few years. A particularly...

[Sean Bain has worked on justice and democracy issues in Myanmar since 2013, including as Yangon-based legal adviser for a human rights group and as an analyst for the United Nations.] Photo credit:  "SK/Kachinwaves"; "Anti-coup protest in Myanmar's northern Kachin State, 8 May 2021"   The unlawful military coup of 1 February is not a fait accompli, and States must refuse to recognise...

[Vivek Bhatt is a Senior Research Officer at the University of Essex and a member of the Essex Human Rights Centre. The project ‘Ensuring Respect for Human Rights in Locked-down Care Homes’ is funded by the AHRC as part of its UKRI COVID-19 Rapid Response funding scheme. Grant number: AH/V012770/1.] Photo: Sarah Tew, CNET     In February 2021, the UK...