
[Dr. Srinivas Burra is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi.] This is in response to Benoit Mayer's writeup titled 'Why I Can't Sign the World Lawyers' Pledge on Climate Action', which was a reaction to 'World Lawyers' Pledge on Climate Action: An Urgent Call for Climate Mainstreaming'. I am not an expert on climate...

[Laetitia van den Assum is a diplomatic expert who has served as Netherlands ambassador on four continents. She was also a member of the Rakhine Advisory Commission, chaired by the late Kofi Annan.] Dedicated to the memory of Rohingya leader and activist Mohib Ullah who was brutally assassinated in Bangladesh on 29 September 2021. Background Four years ago, 750,000 Rohingya from Myanmar fled to...

[Tun Khin is President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK and Tomás Ojea Quintana is a former UN Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.] On 18 August, in a court in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina, six women made history in the Rohingyas’ long struggle for justice. For the first time anywhere in the world, Rohingya victims of...

[Jennifer Keene-McCann is Fellow, Research and Policy at the Asia Justice Coalition and is based in Melbourne/Naarm, Australia.] As international lawyers we have many tools at our disposal to assist survivors of international crimes in a way that is meaningful and reflective of their experience.  Consider the atrocities against the Rohingya. Four years on from the latest iteration of violence, there has...

[Antonia Mulvey is the Executive Director of Legal Action Worldwide (LAW).] On 13 September 2021, Legal Action Worldwide (LAW) – with international law firm, Debevoise & Plimpton – filed a ground-breaking communication with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of 500 Rohingya clients victims of the 2017 so-called “clearance operations, in which thousands of Rohingya were killed, tortured...

[Grant Shubin is the Legal Director at The Global Justice Center (GJC).] Of the many perspectives offered by outside observers in the wake of the Myanmar military’s (Tatmadaw’s) attempted coup, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights cogently cut to the core of it: “This crisis was born of impunity.”  As if to tacitly acknowledge this fact, in his first speech since...

[Valerie Gabard is a Co-Founder of UpRights. Kingsley Abbott is the Director of Global Accountability & International Justice at the International Commission of Jurists. The authors would like to thank Luigi Prosperi, for his assistance and suggestions for this post.] Introduction  On 1 February 2021, the Myanmar’s Army executed a coup d’état, overthrowing the elected civilian government that won the election in...

[Shayna Bauchner is a researcher in the Asia Division at Human Rights Watch.] On August 1, Myanmar’s commander-in-chief, Sr. Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, dressed in civilian clothes, made a televised speech six months to the day after leading a coup that thrust the country back under brutal military rule. Amid claims of establishing a multiparty democracy, the junta leader announced that his manufactured state of emergency,...

It has now been over six months since the coup by the Myanmar military on 1 February 2021. There are multiple crises at the moment in Myanmar – mass atrocities being committed by the security forces on a daily basis, a devastating Covid-19 pandemic, ongoing armed conflicts in various parts of Myanmar, the continued marginalization of many minorities, and proceedings at international courts related to...

Events Gender, Women, and Leadership at the International Criminal Court:  Minerva Law is pleased to announce an event on "Gender, Women, and Leadership at the International Criminal Law" with Judge Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi on the 8th of October 2021. This talk will focus on gender, women and leadership at the International Criminal Court. As President of the ICC, Dr Fernández de Gurmendi...

[Giorgi Nakashidze (LL.B., LL.M) is a Ph.D. (expected 2021) in international law at the Tbilisi State University. His primary research areas are international criminal, humanitarian and human rights law, use of force and international litigation. He is also a reporter for Oxford Reports on International Law. Currently he is serving as Chargé d’Affaires ad interim at the Embassy of Georgia...

[Alessandro Marinaro is an incoming second-year Master candidate in International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, in Geneva, currently working as a research and evaluation intern at the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System.] Johnson v. M’Intosh: A Necessary Contextualisation The age of the Marshall Court has probably been the most influential period in the history of the US...