
[Jennifer Trahan is Convenor at The Global Institute for the Prevention of Aggression and Clinical Professor at NYU Center for Global Affairs. Trahan was a member of the Council of Advisers on the Application of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to Cyberwarfare.] With Russian forces poised on the border of Ukraine and the US Government reportedly considering a...

[María Manuel Márquez Velásquez is an LL.M. Candidate in Advanced Studies in Public International Law at Leiden University. LL.B. Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá-Colombia.  She is currently Assistant Student Editor at Leiden Journal of International Law and Coordinator of the Theory of Public International Law Research Group at Universidad del Rosario.] In 2005 while Argentina’s amnesty law was in force, Spain sentenced...

[Rachel Hughes is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Melbourne. Her recent Australian Research Council fellowship examined ECCC legacy and reparation.] The Lead Co-Lawyers representing victims at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC), also known as the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, have recently submitted a filing on the question of the reclassification of case file documents. The reclassification...

[Rana Kassas is a public international law scholar and legal regulatory consultant. She is a Ph.D. candidate at Kent Law School, University of Kent, and her research focuses on the Public-Private Distinction in Investment Treaty Arbitration.] Introduction The sharp imbalance between the legal and investment tools available to private investors and those that are available to government-backed investors in the context of...

[Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at the Swiss International Law School and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes.] In July 2015, Iran signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA” or “Nuclear Deal”), an international agreement with the E3/ EU+3 (China, the Russian Federation, the United States, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom with the European Union)...

[Merlina Herbach holds an LLM in International Law from the University of Edinburgh, has worked at the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and is currently a Legal Fellow with the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre (SJAC).] A medical doctor practicing in Germany was discovered to have tortured his patients in Syria at the behest of the Syrian government, turning his back on...

Calls for Papers Call for Papers - German Yearbook of International Law: The Editors welcome submissions for volume 65 (2022) of the German Yearbook of International Law (GYIL), inviting interested parties to submit contributions on all topics of public international law for consideration for inclusion in the forthcoming edition. The "General Articles" section of the GYIL is open to submissions from the entire...

[UPDATE: I've updated the information regarding the number of Latin American journals in the Scimago Ranking. Thanks to Sergio Verdugo for pointing out the actual numbers!] Back in May last year, I was asked to co-coordinate the 63rd issue of Ius et Veritas, a leading open-access, peer-reviewed, student-led, law journal in Peru. The way things work in Peru, law journals are...

[Andrea Bianchi is Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva; Moshe Hirsch is the Von Hofmannsthal Professor of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Co-director of the International Law Forum at the Hebrew University Law Faculty.] We are extremely grateful to the editors of Opinio Juris and Alexandra Hofer for hosting and...

[Sofia Stolk is a researcher at the Asser Institute (The Hague) and the University of Amsterdam.] Note: In the spirit of the edited volume, we decided to make the main comments of symposium coordinator, Alexandra Hofer, and the responses of the author partly visible in the text in order to uncover, at least partly, the invisible frame of the editing process....

[Dr. Adil Hasan Khan is a Senior Research Fellow with the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at the Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne.] Staying with habitus, in this section I want to develop upon the perceived shortcomings in Bourdieu’s project of producing a sociology of knowledge on account of his restrictive conceptualisation and formulation of this concept. This is relevant...

[Dr. Adil Hasan Khan is a Senior Research Fellow with the Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness at the Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne.] Introduction  Professor Akbar Rasulov has contributed a remarkably erudite and challenging chapter to the edited collection International Law’s Invisible Frames. In this chapter Rasulov further develops upon a fecund line of enquiry initiated by him in several earlier...