
[Dr Anna Dolidze (Twitter: @dolidze_anna) is Research Lead at Rabdan Academy, UAE] Introduction ‘My good friend Roosevelt I don’t know very English, but I know as much as write to you’, wrote a fourteen-year-old Fidel Castro to the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt.   The note carries the degree of cute naiveté, simplicity, and directness that characterize the writings...

[Dr. Tonny Raymond Kirabira is a Ugandan lawyer and lecturer in international relations at University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Ruwadzano Patience Makumbe is a Zimbabwean lawyer and PhD researcher at the Human Rights Centre, Ghent University, Belgium.] Introduction On 1 July 2022, the International Criminal Court (ICC) celebrated its 20th anniversary, giving the institution and its partners an opportunity to take stock of...

This will be our last Events and Announcements post of 2022! We will resume on 8 January 2023. Happy Holidays from Opinio Juris! Calls for Papers Call for Papers: 12th Annual Conference of the Cambridge International Law Journal: The Conference Convenors and Editors of the Cambridge International Law Journal (CILJ) welcome submissions for the 12th Annual Cambridge International Law Conference, which will...

[Tamás Hoffmann is an Associate Professor at Corvinus University of Budapest and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest] Introduction – A Region without Agency Eastern Europe has a strange place in academic discourse. While the region has traditionally been rife with both internal and international conflicts, making it an ideal object of scientific enquiry, the countries of the...

Whether you are the most ardent football aficionado, or just an Arsenal fan, the controversies generated by the World Cup in Qatar will have reached your ears. Depending on political priorities, your interlocutor may have furnished a tapestry of accusations justifying the boycott of this tournament. Throughout the critique, three broad themes prevail: labour-related violations of human rights, gender-specific violations...

[David Matyas is a PhD Candidate and Gates Cambridge Scholar at the University of Cambridge, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law whose research focuses on the laws of humanitarian assistance. Before turning to law, he worked as an aid worker focusing on disaster risk, with placements in Niger and Senegal.] Each year, as the holidays roll around in winter and summer, I’m...

[John D. Haskell is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester Law School and Junior Faculty at the Harvard Law School Institute for Global Law and Policy.] “I [find] myself in a spiral of uneasiness … [S]omething in the authors’ tone of voice, in their self-positioning [is] disturbing… I am troubled by the initial pairing of the notions of democratic...

[Mikkel Jarle Christensen is professor WSR in iCourts, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen. Here he is principal investigator for the JustSites project (ERC-StG 802053).] International criminal justice often operates across borders, mediating different degrees of distance and proximity. Sometimes, cross-border operations are folded directly into its institutions. This is visible, for instance, when international criminal courts deal with conflicts located elsewhere...

Calls for Papers Call for Papers – Centra Journal of International Studies: Arising from a multinational editorial collaboration effort between scholars from all over Latin America, Centra Journal of International Studies is pleased to announce its first call for papers. Interested authors from all social sciences and humanities are invited to submit their perspectives on the diverse range of phenomena situated under the general...

[Hazar Kaan Özkonak is currently doing his PhD at Utrecht University (Utrecht, the Netherlands). His doctoral thesis focuses on the limits on the use of unilateral sanctions pursuant to the international rule of law principles.] Introduction On September 3, Gazprom, a state-owned and state-run energy company of the Russian Federation (Russia), completely and indefinitely suspended its Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline following a discovered oil leak...

[Cecilia M. Bailliet is Professor in the Department of Public & International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway.] Summary In this post, the author explores how Judge Cançado Trindade presented his views of universal juridical conscience of mankind and international law for humankind in his dissenting opinions as a judge of the International Court of Justice. For the author, these concepts...

[Benjamin Mason Meier, Sanhita Ambast, Jacquelyn Bedingham, Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Alessandro Figueroa, Roojin Habibi, Timothy Fish Hodgson, Ashley Lim, Alexandra Phelan, Sharifah Sekalala, and Adam Strobeyko] This blog represents the opinions and positions of the undersigned individuals, and not that of the Civil Society Alliance for Human Rights in the Pandemic Treaty (CSA) as a whole. The CSA is an...