
[Catherine Butchart is a recent Deakin University graduate with a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts.] [Tamsin Phillipa Paige is a Senior Lecturer with Deakin Law School and periodically consults for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in relation to Maritime Crime.] Introduction The legal profession is notorious for burnout, competitive and antisocial conduct, growing rates of mental illness and addiction, along with...

For the average (Western) person, October might be synonymous with Halloween, but for us at Opinio Juris, October has now become International Law and Pop Culture Month. As readers may remember, last year we hosted the first edition of this symposium, in collaboration with our friend Rachel Jones, with great success. Back then, we set out rather ambitious objectives: “[W]e hope to imagine alternatives of...

Calls for Papers Call for Abstracts - Twin Conferences in Tribute to The Philosophy of Joseph Raz: Professor Joseph Raz, to many of us a lifelong mentor, colleague and dear friend, passed away on May 2nd, 2022. In recognition of Raz's enormous influence in philosophy and legal theory, organizers of the twin conferences in tribute to his work invite you to...

[Raquel Vazquez Llorente is the Head of Law and Policy, Technology Threats & Opportunities, at WITNESS. Wendy Betts is the Executive Director of eyeWitness, initiated by the International Bar Association.] Traditionally, international justice has adjudicated abuses and crimes that occurred well in the past. For the first time in history, we are seeing active and cooperative investigations from the beginning of a...

[Dr. Thomas D. Grant is a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge and a Visiting Fellow of the National Security Institute at George Mason University.] Remedy for the Breach: Seating Ukraine Part One of this blogpost proposed that the anomaly of Russia’s presence as a Security Council Permanent Member be addressed through Rule 17 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of...

[Dr. Thomas D. Grant is a Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge and a Visiting Fellow of the National Security Institute at George Mason University.] When then-Nazi ally and co-aggressor Soviet Russia invaded Finland in 1939, the League of Nations went a good step further than the UN has done to date in response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine: the League expelled the USSR. However, expulsion of Russia...

[Mohibullah Taib is a Human Rights Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva. Meera Nayak is a Human Rights Consultant at the Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.] Since the Taliban’s unlawful...

[Mohit Khubchandani is a trainee lawyer working at Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes, Paris. He previously worked at the International Court of Justice, other UN bodies, law firms and with the Indian government. He holds an LL.M. in International Environmental Law from Stanford Law School. All views are strictly personal.] ...

[Daniel Davies is a lawyer and forced migration specialist who has worked with refugees in the Middle East, East Africa, and the Asia-Pacific region.] “Estonia is home to our people, not for convenience refugees of an aggressor state.” Kaja Kallas, Estonian Prime Minister of Estonia “Lithuania will not be granting asylum to those who are simply running from responsibility. Russians should stay...

Calls for Papers Call for Abstracts - SAIELN's Third Biennial Conference on Food Security and International Law: Critical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives: SAIELN is a collaborative network of academics, practitioners and officials in the field of International Economic Law, articulating their views, brainstorming ideas, and importantly, nurturing and developing the field of international economic law especially in the South Asia region. SAIELN...

[Chidi Anselm Odinkalu (@ChidiOdinkalu) is a Professor of Practice in International Human Rights Law at the Fletcher School.]  [Sharon Nakandha (@SherryKyama) is a Program Manager, Accountability and Justice with Open Society-Africa.] In 20 years of the International Criminal Court’s existence, the leadership of its Registry has been an exclusive monopoly of Europeans. This is a danger to the credibility of the court. As the judges of...