
[Veronica Bellintani is an international law expert and Senior Legal Officer at the Syrian Legal Development Programme.] [Mouhanad Sharabati is a Syrian lawyer and Legal Officer at the Syrian Legal Development Programme.] On June 8, 2023, Canada and the Netherlands (the applicants) jointly filed an application at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to initiate proceedings in their names against the Syrian Arab Republic (Syria). The application concerns Syria's...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to! Calls for Papers SLADI Conference 2023 – “Latin American International Law”: SLADI invites you to submit proposals for papers or panels addressing the theme of their biennial conference on "Latin American International Law", which will take place between 29 November and 1...

[Dr. Luigi Daniele is a Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Law School, NTU.] This interview is being cross-posted by Opinio Juris, the Nottingham Law School Climate Justice Hub, and the Queen Mary School of Law Centre for Climate Crime and Justice.  I had the great honor and special pleasure of discussing ecocide and climate justice with Professor Richard Falk, Albert G. Milbank Emeritus...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week's post, please send a link and a brief description to! Calls for Papers Call for Contributions ICCA 2024 Hong Kong Congress: ICCA is inviting expressions of interest from potential speakers for its next Congress taking place in Hong Kong (5 – 8 May 2024). The theme of the Congress is “International Arbitration: A Human...

[León Castellanos-Jankiewicz and Carl Emilio Lewis are Researchers at the Asser Institute. Melanie Schneider is a Research Intern at the Asser Institute.] Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food since 2020, is a professor at the University of Oregon School of Law where he teaches courses on human rights, food law, development, and commercial law. He investigates...

[León Castellanos-Jankiewicz and Carl Emilio Lewis are Researchers at the Asser Institute. Melanie Schneider is a Research Intern at the Asser Institute.] Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food since 2020, is a professor at the University of Oregon School of Law where he teaches courses on human rights, food law, development, and commercial law. He investigates...

Calls for Papers The African Renaissance in the Age of Globalization: What Role for International Investment Law?: The Department of Political Science of the University of Padua is organizing the international conference: The African Renaissance in the Age of Globalization: What Role for International Investment Law? The conference will be held on November 10-11, 2023. The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 14, 2023....

[Pallavi Arora is a Legal Consultant (at the level of Assistant Professor) at the Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade in New Delhi. She advises India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry on matters related to international trade and investment law.] Recently, the European Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) tabled its new pharmaceutical strategy aimed at balancing access and innovation through...

[Emilia Truluck is a Legal Fellow at REDRESS, focusing on justice and accountability mechanisms in North Africa.] Earlier this month the victims’ legal representative presented her opening statements in the ground-breaking trial at the International Criminal Court against former Janjaweed commander Ali Muhammad Ali Abd Al-Rahman, also known as Ali Kushayb.   Ali Kushayb is charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes in West Darfur. He is alleged...

Calls for Papers 100 Years of Research in Comparative Public Law and International Law - Call for Focus Sections and Papers: In 2024, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg (MPIL), will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Over the years, the Institute’s research has tackled foundational issues of public international law, European Union law as well as...

[Sara (Meg) Davis is Professor of Digital Health and Rights at University of Warwick and an Associated Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute.] In drafting her report to the UN Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur drew in part on research conducted by a consultant, Patty Skuster, who the author supervised at the Geneva Graduate institute.  At a critical moment in the...

[Matthew Gillett is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the University of Essex Law School and a United Nations Special Mandate holder (Vice-Chair of Working Group on Arbitrary Detention), who previously prosecuted cases before the international courts. The views herein are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person or organization. The author was...