
[Marijn Hoijtink is an Associate Professor of International Relations at the Department of Political Science at the University of Antwerp. She leads the PLATFORM WARS project, which focuses on military applications of AI, how these shape new military practices, and the broader political-economic frameworks in which these take place. Dr Jasper van der Kist is a researcher at the University of...

[Martin Faix is Vice-Dean for International Affairs and Head of the Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law, Faculty of Law Palacký University in Olomouc. Marko Svicevic is a researcher and lecturer at the Centre for International Humanitarian and Operational Law, Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc and senior research associate at the South African Research Chair in International Law,...

[Nurul M. Azmi is a Legal Researcher and Ciara Laverty is a Legal Adviser with UpRights, an NGO which builds partnerships with victims, civil society, and judicial authorities to document human rights violations and international crimes, and identify and pursue effective legal pathways to accountability, including in the contexts of Ukraine and North Korea] Recent reporting has confirmed the deployment of...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) to Call for Papers Call for Papers - Sixth Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law: The Sixth Workshop on Sociological Inquiries into International Law will be held at Utrecht University on 13–14 November 2025. This edition’s theme is...

[María Noel Leoni is Deputy Executive Director of the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) and Director and Founding Member of GQUAL’s Secretariat  Alejandra Vicente is Head of Law at REDRESS and Founding Member of GQUAL’s Secretariat] This symposium has brought together experts from key international fields to foster reflections on the transformative potential of CEDAW’s General Recommendation 40, which calls for the...

The adoption of General Recommendation 40 by the CEDAW Committee in October 2024 represents a significant milestone in the push for greater representation of women in international decision-making spaces.   This post will focus on an area that General Recommendation 40 will have an impact: the leadership of women from the Asian region in international justice and accountability. This long-overdue discussion is...

[Alejandra Mora is Executive Secretary of the CIM Jurist, feminist, researcher, Costa Rican politician, and women’s rights activist Marta Martínez is a political scientist and CIM Specialist since 2011, specializing in democracy and parity] General Recommendation No. 40 (GR40) is a crucial tool in today’s challenging and evolving landscape. The advancements in AI, digital economies, and circular green economies, alongside the challenges...

[Leticia Born is Associate Director of Programs for Latin America/Global at Co-Impact and holds a Master’s in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam with a focus on gender] Close your eyes and picture this: you are a Black Brazilian woman, standing center stage as you receive your law degree from a reputable university. You hold your breath when you...

[Mairée Uran Bidegain is an independent arbitrator and recognized expert in international investment law and dispute resolution] The adoption of CEDAW’s General Recommendation 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems (“GR40” or the “Recommendation”) marks a transformative step toward gender parity in international governance and adjudicatory bodies. Rooted in the principles of the Convention on the...

[Anoush der Boghossian is the Head of the Trade and Gender Office in the World Trade Organization (WTO). She is also the Founder and Chair of the WTO Gender Research Hub, recognized trainer and researcher on trade policy and gender equality.] What is leadership? Is it about influence and impact? Is it about efficiency and power? Or is it something else?  Leadership...

[Mamta Borgoyary is an Executive Director at SHE Changes Climate] I believe that 2025 will mark the beginning of a paradigm shift in social transformation, guiding us towards a world that is rooted in justice, compassion and equity. The adoption of the  General Recommendation 40 (GR40) by CEDAW, represents a pivotal step toward elevating women’s participation in historically underrepresented critical spaces,...

[Natália Mazoni is a Private Sector Specialist with the World Bank’s Women, Business, and the Law project, where she leads research on labor and employment. She holds an LL.M. from American University in Washington, DC and a law degree from Milton Campos Law School in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.     Aylén Rodríguez Ferrari is an analyst with the World Bank’s Women, Business and...