
The push to finalize the Doha Round of Negotiations for the World Trade Organization has hit another roadblock. Following on earlier reports that negotiators would miss an end-of-April deadline to produce texts setting forth an agreed framework for agricultural and industrial tariff reductions, this week witnessed the cancellation of Ministerial-level meetings. In its place, U.S. and E.U. negotiators have opted...

The recent visit of Hu Jintao to the U.S. highlights an interesting game of mirrors being played by the U.S., China, the EU and others concerning the norms of good behavior of members of the international community. A few months ago, Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick called on China to be a “responsible stakeholder” in the international system. Commentators...

Last week, the D.C. Circuit issued an important opinion applying the always controversial "political question" doctrine to dismiss a case challenging U.S. foreign policy actions as a violation of international law. The D.C. Circuit's development (and revival even) of the political question doctrine signals serious obstacles to attempts by litigants to challenge foreign policy actions of the U.S. government in...

Read the following product names and choose who they belong to: Juicy, Juicy Couture, Choose Juicy, Juicy Pop Princess, Be Juicy, Wear Juicy, The Joy of Juicy, Juicy Girls Rule, Juicy Wear, Juicy Pop, Juicy Gossip, Juicy Tubes, Juicy Rouge, Juicy Tubes Pop, Juicy Vernis, and Juicy Crayon. Of course, any high-couture fashionista knows that the first eight are owned...

Following on his visit to the U.S., President Hu Jintao of China is visiting Africa this week—his second state visit there in three years. As is the case with many such high-profile visits, they are only the tip of the iceberg, Chinese trade and energy officials have recently put a great amount of effort into building up relations throughout Africa....

The Pentagon is in the throes of developing an new and more aggressive plan for military operations in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). According to the Washington Post, the new (classified) plans cover [A] wide range of overt and clandestine military activities — such as man-hunting and intelligence gathering on terrorist networks; attacks on terrorist training camps and recruiting...

I just finished reading Larry Solum's article on Blogging and the Transformation of Legal Scholarship available here. Solum wrote the piece for the Harvard Law School conference on blogging, and without a doubt it is the best piece I have ever read anywhere on the subject of blogging and legal scholarship. Solum argues that blogs can function in two...

From the Daily Telegraph: POLISH authorities have withdrawn permission for the musical Jesus Christ Superstar to be performed at Majdanek, the former Nazi concentration camp, after protests by Jewish groups. The Culture Ministry and the camp's management today said the performance by a local Polish theatre group could not go ahead. "The play was to break down barriers between people, but it turns...

Clive Thompson has a detailed and enlightening story in The New York Times Magazine this weekend on Chinese censorship of the Internet. It definitely is worth a read. There are plenty of juicy tidbits that are fascinating (e.g., China has its own version of "American Idol" known as, I kid you not, "Mongolian Cow Sour Yogurt Super Girl Contest."). But...

In another blow to international dispute resolution in East Asia, South Korea has partially withdrawn from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, which includes resort to the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, or a special arbitration tribunal. The S. Korean withdrawal is not...

U.S. Senate majority leader Bill Frist has started his proto-campaign for the U.S. presidency in 2008 by targeting the U.N. In addition to demanding the U.S. stay out of the new Human Rights Council, he is circulating a petition on his blog demanding Iran be removed from the U.N.'s Disarmament Commission. Frist obviously has a point here. The...